Paul Harker - in the terms so beloved of the U.S. Pacific Fleet at Hawaii throughout the 20th Century - you are "Screwed, Blue'd and Tattoo'd"
Absolutely EVERY single detail of your pathetic pretence is now revealed. Even things you thought were SO lost in the mists of time and the destruction of Nazi Germany in 1945 that YOU could make a quick buck out of it has been revealed. There's absolutely NO aspect of your books and your fraud that hasn't now been shown up for what it is.
In the end, when you get right down to it - it was plain shoddy work. Your plain shoddy work...
Like ALL the other failures in your life - you couldn't even be crooked properly.
Tuesday, 23 June 2009
Paul K. Harker - slain by the man who destroyed the Roman Empire!!!...? phylo_roadking lifted the book, scoped out the index, found the correct page - and...
Once Upon A Tyme...
In late 1942, when the Americans and British invaded North Africa - French Algeria and Morrocco - the Germans actioned a longstanding plan to occupy Vichy France in Europe. As Wikipedia describes it...
"During World War II, Operation Attila was a plan for the Nazi occupation of Vichy France. This plan was drawn up in 1940 in case the French rejoined the Allies or in case of an Allied threat to the south of France.
An important aspect was the capture of the French Navy.
The original plan was never executed, but a version (Case Anton) which included Italian forces was executed on 11 November 1942 in response to the Torch landings in North Africa."
Operation Attila....the ORIGINAL plan...was drawn up at Hitler's order in 1940. And there, buried in Hugh Trevor-Roper's list garnered from Nazi archives, was the Directive issued by Adolf Hitler for his generals to draw up plans for Operation Attila...
Directive 19.
The order to begin planning Operation ATTILA. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the Holocaust or the SS....
Once Upon A Tyme...
In late 1942, when the Americans and British invaded North Africa - French Algeria and Morrocco - the Germans actioned a longstanding plan to occupy Vichy France in Europe. As Wikipedia describes it...
"During World War II, Operation Attila was a plan for the Nazi occupation of Vichy France. This plan was drawn up in 1940 in case the French rejoined the Allies or in case of an Allied threat to the south of France.
An important aspect was the capture of the French Navy.
The original plan was never executed, but a version (Case Anton) which included Italian forces was executed on 11 November 1942 in response to the Torch landings in North Africa."
Operation Attila....the ORIGINAL plan...was drawn up at Hitler's order in 1940. And there, buried in Hugh Trevor-Roper's list garnered from Nazi archives, was the Directive issued by Adolf Hitler for his generals to draw up plans for Operation Attila...
Directive 19.
The order to begin planning Operation ATTILA. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the Holocaust or the SS....
Harker encounters the Greatest Third Reich Expert Of All...
Hey there, people! Don't worry, I haven't forgotten you all - ANY of you! I've been working hard these last few months, earning an HONEST crust...something Paul Harker isn't too familiar with!
But I'm back for a few minutes with a new discovery by phylo_roadking! Something he found out entirely by accident in recent days, and he gave me the gold by email...
Sometimes things just happen at the right time. Some folks call it Serendipity. Phylo tells me he calls it Small-World-Itis...a strange and frigthening malady that affects him regularly. That strange feeling that the world really IS a truly small place! It's that strange combination of luck a, good fortune....and a major dash or predestination that he says has haunted him all his all know the feeling -
You spend good money on an old movie on Ebay, and the minute you pay for the's on the telly for the first time in DECADES!
You remember someone for the first time in years...and who's the VERY next person you walk into when you turn the next corner???
That's the sort of thing he says has happened to him daily for years now.
Well - the other day he walked into a local cheapo bookshop he frequents among many others, a UK chainstore bookshop called "Bargain Books". You all know them - the sort of place that fills its higgledy-piggledy shelves with kid's books, last year's greetings cards at discount, cheapo reprints of various "classics" on this year's school syllabus, big coffee-table books full of black-and-white pictures about the American Civil War or the Second World War or F1 racing cars, lots of U.S-market paperbacks with the edges notched so they can be discounted as "damaged"...
In the UK there's another trend; many publishers are churning out reprints of 1950's titles, memoirs and history books about the recent global conflict of the '40s that maybe got to a second or third edition...then disappeared; and most importantly - books that the 25-year copyright has lapsed on....!
Some of you might be familiar with the name Hugh Trevor-Roper. He was a WWII British Military Intelligence officer, and after the war wrote a number of definitive histories...including the now-legendary The Last Days of Hitler, published in 1947, and long regarded as the definitive story of the last days in Hitler's Bunker and what happened to the meglomaniac...Trevor-Roper isn't without controversy, but there - sitting on the shelf in "Bargain Books" was something VERY germaine to our tale....
Blitzkrieg to Defeat: Hitler's War Directives, 1939-1945 (1965)
No investigation here; no hypothesising, or debating, or theorizing. Just a straight plundering of the archive of Nazi Germany, to produce a definitive list IN ONE PLACE of all the Directives issued by Hitler during the war years.
THE vital lynchpin of Paul Harker's fraud, right from it's very first moments, was that Directive 19 was never accounted for. It was a blank file in the list, a Directive number with no details against it in ANY source....
Or....was it really blank???
But I'm back for a few minutes with a new discovery by phylo_roadking! Something he found out entirely by accident in recent days, and he gave me the gold by email...
Sometimes things just happen at the right time. Some folks call it Serendipity. Phylo tells me he calls it Small-World-Itis...a strange and frigthening malady that affects him regularly. That strange feeling that the world really IS a truly small place! It's that strange combination of luck a, good fortune....and a major dash or predestination that he says has haunted him all his all know the feeling -
You spend good money on an old movie on Ebay, and the minute you pay for the's on the telly for the first time in DECADES!
You remember someone for the first time in years...and who's the VERY next person you walk into when you turn the next corner???
That's the sort of thing he says has happened to him daily for years now.
Well - the other day he walked into a local cheapo bookshop he frequents among many others, a UK chainstore bookshop called "Bargain Books". You all know them - the sort of place that fills its higgledy-piggledy shelves with kid's books, last year's greetings cards at discount, cheapo reprints of various "classics" on this year's school syllabus, big coffee-table books full of black-and-white pictures about the American Civil War or the Second World War or F1 racing cars, lots of U.S-market paperbacks with the edges notched so they can be discounted as "damaged"...
In the UK there's another trend; many publishers are churning out reprints of 1950's titles, memoirs and history books about the recent global conflict of the '40s that maybe got to a second or third edition...then disappeared; and most importantly - books that the 25-year copyright has lapsed on....!
Some of you might be familiar with the name Hugh Trevor-Roper. He was a WWII British Military Intelligence officer, and after the war wrote a number of definitive histories...including the now-legendary The Last Days of Hitler, published in 1947, and long regarded as the definitive story of the last days in Hitler's Bunker and what happened to the meglomaniac...Trevor-Roper isn't without controversy, but there - sitting on the shelf in "Bargain Books" was something VERY germaine to our tale....
Blitzkrieg to Defeat: Hitler's War Directives, 1939-1945 (1965)
No investigation here; no hypothesising, or debating, or theorizing. Just a straight plundering of the archive of Nazi Germany, to produce a definitive list IN ONE PLACE of all the Directives issued by Hitler during the war years.
THE vital lynchpin of Paul Harker's fraud, right from it's very first moments, was that Directive 19 was never accounted for. It was a blank file in the list, a Directive number with no details against it in ANY source....
Or....was it really blank???
Sunday, 28 December 2008
And STILL vermin crawl out of the woodwork...
Sadly, Paul K Harker is not the only nasty little shit lying about the Holocaust; here's ANOTHER gem...
"Herman Rosenblat and his wife are the most gentle, loving, beautiful people," literary agent Andrea Hurst said Sunday, anguishing over why she, and so many others, were taken by Rosenblat's story of love born on opposite sides of a barbed-wire fence at a concentration camp.
"I question why I never questioned it. I believed it; it was an incredible, hope-filled story."
On Saturday, Berkley Books canceled Rosenblat's memoir, "Angel at the Fence." Rosenblat acknowledged that he and his wife did not meet, as they had said for years, at a sub-camp of Buchenwald, where she allegedly sneaked him apples and bread. The book was supposed to come out in February.
Rosenblat, 79, has been married to the former Roma Radzicky for 50 years, since meeting her on a blind date in New York. In a statement issued Saturday through his agent, he described himself as an advocate of love and tolerance who falsified his past to better spread his message.
"I wanted to bring happiness to people," said Rosenblat, who now lives in the Miami area. "I brought hope to a lot of people. My motivation was to make good in this world."
Rosenblat's believers included not only his agent and his publisher, but Oprah Winfrey, film producers, journalists, family members and strangers who ignored, or didn't know about, the warnings from scholars that his story didn't make sense.
Other Holocaust memoirists have devised greater fantasies. Misha Defonseca, author of "Misha: A Memoire of the Holocaust Years," pretended she was a Jewish girl who lived with wolves during the war, when she was actually a non-Jew who lived, without wolves, in Belgium.
Historical records prove Rosenblat was indeed at Buchenwald and other camps.
"How sad that he felt he had to embellish a life of surviving the Holocaust and of being married for half a century," said Holocaust scholar Michael Berenbaum.
The damage is broad. Publishing, the most trusting of industries, has again been burned by a memoir that fact-checking might have prevented. Berkley is an imprint of Penguin Group (USA), which in March pulled Margaret B. Jones' "Love and Consequences" after the author acknowledged she had invented her story of gang life in Los Angeles. Winfrey fell, as she did with James Frey, for a narrative of suffering and redemption better suited for television than for history.
The damage is deep. Scholars and other skeptics as well as fellow survivors fear that Rosenblat's fabrications will only encourage doubts about the Holocaust.
"I am very worried because many of us speak to thousands of student each year," says Sidney Finkel, a longtime friend of Rosenblat's and a fellow survivor. "We go before audiences. We tell them a story and now some people will question what I experienced."
"This was not Holocaust education but miseducation," Ken Waltzer, director of Jewish Studies at Michigan State University, said in a statement.
"Holocaust experience is not heartwarming, it is heart rending. All this shows something about the broad unwillingness in our culture to confront the difficult knowledge of the Holocaust," Waltzer said. "All the more important then to have real memoirs that tell of real experience in the camps."
Among the fooled, at least the partially fooled, was Berenbaum, former director of the United States Holocaust Research Institute at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington. Berenbaum had been asked to read the manuscript by film producer Harris Salomon, who still plans an adaptation of the book.
Berenbaum's tentative support — "Crazier things have happened," he told The Associated Press last fall — was cited by the publisher as it initially defended the book. Berenbaum now says he saw factual errors, including Rosenblat's description of Theresienstadt, the camp from which he was eventually liberated, but didn't think of challenging the love story.
"There's a limit to what I can verify, because I was not there," he says. "I can verify the general historical narrative, but in my research I rely upon the survivors to present the specifics of their existence with integrity. When they don't, they destroy so much and they ruin so much, and that's terrible."
"I was burned," he added. "And I have to read books more skeptically because I was burned"
...if only Harker's drivel had been published by a REAL publishing house, instead of being self-published lies; then it would have long-since been revealed for the rubbish it is. In the case of Harker's lies....he couldn't have got even the first page past a decent editor.
Oprah, I doubt you'll ever read my blog - but there's some work for you to do up in North Cape May...
"Herman Rosenblat and his wife are the most gentle, loving, beautiful people," literary agent Andrea Hurst said Sunday, anguishing over why she, and so many others, were taken by Rosenblat's story of love born on opposite sides of a barbed-wire fence at a concentration camp.
"I question why I never questioned it. I believed it; it was an incredible, hope-filled story."
On Saturday, Berkley Books canceled Rosenblat's memoir, "Angel at the Fence." Rosenblat acknowledged that he and his wife did not meet, as they had said for years, at a sub-camp of Buchenwald, where she allegedly sneaked him apples and bread. The book was supposed to come out in February.
Rosenblat, 79, has been married to the former Roma Radzicky for 50 years, since meeting her on a blind date in New York. In a statement issued Saturday through his agent, he described himself as an advocate of love and tolerance who falsified his past to better spread his message.
"I wanted to bring happiness to people," said Rosenblat, who now lives in the Miami area. "I brought hope to a lot of people. My motivation was to make good in this world."
Rosenblat's believers included not only his agent and his publisher, but Oprah Winfrey, film producers, journalists, family members and strangers who ignored, or didn't know about, the warnings from scholars that his story didn't make sense.
Other Holocaust memoirists have devised greater fantasies. Misha Defonseca, author of "Misha: A Memoire of the Holocaust Years," pretended she was a Jewish girl who lived with wolves during the war, when she was actually a non-Jew who lived, without wolves, in Belgium.
Historical records prove Rosenblat was indeed at Buchenwald and other camps.
"How sad that he felt he had to embellish a life of surviving the Holocaust and of being married for half a century," said Holocaust scholar Michael Berenbaum.
The damage is broad. Publishing, the most trusting of industries, has again been burned by a memoir that fact-checking might have prevented. Berkley is an imprint of Penguin Group (USA), which in March pulled Margaret B. Jones' "Love and Consequences" after the author acknowledged she had invented her story of gang life in Los Angeles. Winfrey fell, as she did with James Frey, for a narrative of suffering and redemption better suited for television than for history.
The damage is deep. Scholars and other skeptics as well as fellow survivors fear that Rosenblat's fabrications will only encourage doubts about the Holocaust.
"I am very worried because many of us speak to thousands of student each year," says Sidney Finkel, a longtime friend of Rosenblat's and a fellow survivor. "We go before audiences. We tell them a story and now some people will question what I experienced."
"This was not Holocaust education but miseducation," Ken Waltzer, director of Jewish Studies at Michigan State University, said in a statement.
"Holocaust experience is not heartwarming, it is heart rending. All this shows something about the broad unwillingness in our culture to confront the difficult knowledge of the Holocaust," Waltzer said. "All the more important then to have real memoirs that tell of real experience in the camps."
Among the fooled, at least the partially fooled, was Berenbaum, former director of the United States Holocaust Research Institute at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington. Berenbaum had been asked to read the manuscript by film producer Harris Salomon, who still plans an adaptation of the book.
Berenbaum's tentative support — "Crazier things have happened," he told The Associated Press last fall — was cited by the publisher as it initially defended the book. Berenbaum now says he saw factual errors, including Rosenblat's description of Theresienstadt, the camp from which he was eventually liberated, but didn't think of challenging the love story.
"There's a limit to what I can verify, because I was not there," he says. "I can verify the general historical narrative, but in my research I rely upon the survivors to present the specifics of their existence with integrity. When they don't, they destroy so much and they ruin so much, and that's terrible."
"I was burned," he added. "And I have to read books more skeptically because I was burned"
...if only Harker's drivel had been published by a REAL publishing house, instead of being self-published lies; then it would have long-since been revealed for the rubbish it is. In the case of Harker's lies....he couldn't have got even the first page past a decent editor.
Oprah, I doubt you'll ever read my blog - but there's some work for you to do up in North Cape May...
Thursday, 25 December 2008

Paul - how long are you going to lie to your parents about what you need money for? How long are you going to lie about your non-existent rock career? How long are you going to avoid getting a REAL job for more than two minutes? When are you going to grow up?
You've been scrounging off them for years. Decades. All the way back to faking your "successful" rockstar career in L.A., and all those royalties and tour fees that just by chance NEVER seem to have appeared???
Even in THOSE days you used to go to a lot of trouble to invent fake personalities - this time to grub money out of THEM. it's amazing what you find under the Berks County Microfilm Depository...
"Local Douglassville Boy Makes Good" - Acey Stone and his band, just back in the country from their tour of Australia and New Zealand...written from fake press copy you sent them yourself.
Mister Harker many hours was it after that picture was published and you were shown it did Paul ask you for money, all those years ago???
The REALLY funny thing is the backplot...
The Tuesday that shit was all published on the Internet - came after a weekend Paul spent at his parents. And how do I know THAT???
And do you know what Paul did?
He went to see his folks in his beaten-up old Oldsmobile - NOT Tracey's nice two year-old SUV...because that would have looked FAR TOO PROSPEROUS...
...and he wouldn't have been able to scrounge money from his parents AGAIN for his non-existent law case!!!
What a complete loser! A complete waste of space as a human being!
He treated his parent like dirt in public...then goes back to them with his hand out for cash....AND STILL LYING ALL THE TIME ABOUT WHAT IT WAS FOR!!!
The Tuesday that shit was all published on the Internet - came after a weekend Paul spent at his parents. And how do I know THAT???
And do you know what Paul did?
He went to see his folks in his beaten-up old Oldsmobile - NOT Tracey's nice two year-old SUV...because that would have looked FAR TOO PROSPEROUS...
...and he wouldn't have been able to scrounge money from his parents AGAIN for his non-existent law case!!!
What a complete loser! A complete waste of space as a human being!
He treated his parent like dirt in public...then goes back to them with his hand out for cash....AND STILL LYING ALL THE TIME ABOUT WHAT IT WAS FOR!!!
A Christmas Message To The Commonwealth...
G'day mates! It's a sunny St Stephen's day here - or Boxing Day if you're lazy and unreligious! And I hope you've all had a Happy Christmas!
I haven't been back to keep you all updated on events for a long time...but work has been kind to me! In other words...there's been a LOT of it! AND a lot of travelling...
And in one case...even as far as the Eastern Seaboard of the good old United States of America!
Yes, it's a wonderful life being a researcher; sometimes the world doesn't just come to have to go and turn over stones and open dusty tomes...
And you'd be suprised what you find under the darkest of stones...
So what's been happening since I've been gone? Well, I've been in touch on a regular basis with the Feldgrau guys through me old schoolmucker Troy in Sydney...and they're still occasionally finding the odd old sockpuppet buried away in corners there and on AHF. Ever wonder why some of your unmentioned accounts no longer let you in, Paul?
But here's the REAL news of this festive Season...and this one goes straigh to Kenneth and Elaine Harker of Elverson, Pa. .....
Perhaps you remember reading THIS on your son's blog?....
LIE! WRONG! ERRONEOUS! B.S.!!! .....Perhaps "Gibby" isn't in touch with his multiple-personality "Phylo/Orney/Gibby".... but telephone Caller I.D. logs have been officially recorded, set, evidenced, documented, reported and confirmed as being related 100% to Orney... 'nuff said.... we "gotcha" on this one damned dead to rights.... maybe this will help refresh 'yer memory.... "Ye can call me back free o' charge.....". Phone records have been printed, reviewed and confirmed. Lie to sustain your game - the police KNOW different.... maybe we're confused... maybe YOU and Gibby AREN'T the same jackass - (but we'll get you too if your aren't) - Perhaps we're wrong here but then please forgive me if I'm not, Gibby - but the thinks different.......
Some of Feldgaru and AHF's members have consciously (and without firm basis) decided to slander, malign, libel, threaten and harass me and my family. Lawyers (who have nearly bankrupted me) confirm this. Ahhh... but so do the police. And even more... so does the FBI. You see, the FBI handles the majority of crimes generated through use of the internet. Slander, libel, etc. falls under Federal jurisdiction when it takes place via the internet in blogs or through online forum posts. Now I'd like you all to pay attention because I'm doing you a favor by educating you for free. What I've learned has cost me a lot of money. But no harm done. I'll recoup it from you very soon.
Oh... but whatever is Harker talking about now? He's talking about his formal complaint against AHF, Feldgrau and Orney/Gibby with the FBI which can be accessed by researching: IC3 Complaint: I0809010258569891.
But if you computer-savvy geniuses can't find that, feel free to telephone the Newark, New Jersey FBI Field Office directly at: (973) 792-3000 and reference the above number. Just realize they'll ask you for your name and inquire as to why you're referencing this matter. Please tell them who you are and what you'd like to know. Please. I beg you. Call.
Maybe you'll want someone else to make the call. That's understandable since you cowards have violated numerous levels of protocol with illegal deception. But if you really think I'm full of it - here's a list of folks who I'd LOVE to hear made the call. After all - this is the list of folks who will be receiving a summons in their Christmas stockings this year... (the summons will be delivered in approximately 8 weeks....)
John P. MooreFrederick L. Clemens (VA)Antonio J. Munoz (NY)Richard HargreavesDoug NashMichael (Miguel) D. MillerRobert Ungurean (PA)
Or rather...being "requested" by Paul to read it???
It's an interesting document. First of all...
but telephone Caller I.D. logs have been officially recorded, set, evidenced, documented, reported and confirmed as being related 100% to Orney... 'nuff said.... we "gotcha" on this one damned dead to rights.... maybe this will help refresh 'yer memory.... "Ye can call me back free o' charge.....". Phone records have been printed, reviewed and confirmed. Lie to sustain your game - the police KNOW different....
So they know different? How come ABSOLUTELY NOONE has EVER been approached by ANYONE aboiut this? Paul, you were lying to your family again...
And if they know different...Why the hell do you THEN contradict yourself like an idiot???
maybe YOU and Gibby AREN'T the same jackass - (but we'll get you too if your aren't) - Perhaps we're wrong here but then please forgive me if I'm not, Gibby
Get your story straight, Paul! At least...get it right for your Dad's consumption! That's right, the guy whose war career and life you lied about - and even said was dead...
As for THIS bit...
but the thinks different.......
What were you at, Paul? Searching the Net for buzzwords you could drop into convos to convince your Dad that you weren't a lyin' scumbag??? The "N.I. Prison Service" is exactly and ONLY that - and has absolutely no role in law enforcement...
...and a few ninutes LATER when you found the PSNI online YOU FORGOT TO GO BACK AND CORRECT YERSELF!!! You fool.
Let's move on to the REAL fun, shall we???
Some of Feldgaru and AHF's members have consciously (and without firm basis) decided to slander, malign, libel, threaten and harass me and my family. Lawyers (who have nearly bankrupted me) confirm this.
Let's have some names. Paul...Because we've got some chasing up to do, all of us that have been connected in even the SLIGHTEST way with all this...
here's a list of folks who I'd LOVE to hear made the call. After all - this is the list of folks who will be receiving a summons in their Christmas stockings this year... (the summons will be delivered in approximately 8 weeks....)THE LIST OF THOSE WHO LAW ENFORCEMENT WILL DELIVER AN OFFICIAL SUMMONS TO (AS OF 10/21/2008): (more to come)John P. MooreFrederick L. Clemens (VA)Antonio J. Munoz (NY)Richard HargreavesDoug NashMichael (Miguel) D. MillerRobert Ungurean (PA)
...some chasing up on NON-EXISTENT SUMMONSES THAT NEVER ARRIVED!!! Of course they didn't - because they never existed!!! You bullshitted your Dad again, Paul! ALL that was for HIS consumption!
Oh LOOK!!! It's CHRISTMAS AND NOTHING has appeared....
NO summonses. NO phone calls from law enforcement organisations asking people questions. NOTHING WHATSOEVER...
And do you know what the REALLY funny thing was, Paul???
I haven't been back to keep you all updated on events for a long time...but work has been kind to me! In other words...there's been a LOT of it! AND a lot of travelling...
And in one case...even as far as the Eastern Seaboard of the good old United States of America!
Yes, it's a wonderful life being a researcher; sometimes the world doesn't just come to have to go and turn over stones and open dusty tomes...
And you'd be suprised what you find under the darkest of stones...
So what's been happening since I've been gone? Well, I've been in touch on a regular basis with the Feldgrau guys through me old schoolmucker Troy in Sydney...and they're still occasionally finding the odd old sockpuppet buried away in corners there and on AHF. Ever wonder why some of your unmentioned accounts no longer let you in, Paul?
But here's the REAL news of this festive Season...and this one goes straigh to Kenneth and Elaine Harker of Elverson, Pa. .....
Perhaps you remember reading THIS on your son's blog?....
LIE! WRONG! ERRONEOUS! B.S.!!! .....Perhaps "Gibby" isn't in touch with his multiple-personality "Phylo/Orney/Gibby".... but telephone Caller I.D. logs have been officially recorded, set, evidenced, documented, reported and confirmed as being related 100% to Orney... 'nuff said.... we "gotcha" on this one damned dead to rights.... maybe this will help refresh 'yer memory.... "Ye can call me back free o' charge.....". Phone records have been printed, reviewed and confirmed. Lie to sustain your game - the police KNOW different.... maybe we're confused... maybe YOU and Gibby AREN'T the same jackass - (but we'll get you too if your aren't) - Perhaps we're wrong here but then please forgive me if I'm not, Gibby - but the thinks different.......
Some of Feldgaru and AHF's members have consciously (and without firm basis) decided to slander, malign, libel, threaten and harass me and my family. Lawyers (who have nearly bankrupted me) confirm this. Ahhh... but so do the police. And even more... so does the FBI. You see, the FBI handles the majority of crimes generated through use of the internet. Slander, libel, etc. falls under Federal jurisdiction when it takes place via the internet in blogs or through online forum posts. Now I'd like you all to pay attention because I'm doing you a favor by educating you for free. What I've learned has cost me a lot of money. But no harm done. I'll recoup it from you very soon.
Oh... but whatever is Harker talking about now? He's talking about his formal complaint against AHF, Feldgrau and Orney/Gibby with the FBI which can be accessed by researching: IC3 Complaint: I0809010258569891.
But if you computer-savvy geniuses can't find that, feel free to telephone the Newark, New Jersey FBI Field Office directly at: (973) 792-3000 and reference the above number. Just realize they'll ask you for your name and inquire as to why you're referencing this matter. Please tell them who you are and what you'd like to know. Please. I beg you. Call.
Maybe you'll want someone else to make the call. That's understandable since you cowards have violated numerous levels of protocol with illegal deception. But if you really think I'm full of it - here's a list of folks who I'd LOVE to hear made the call. After all - this is the list of folks who will be receiving a summons in their Christmas stockings this year... (the summons will be delivered in approximately 8 weeks....)
John P. MooreFrederick L. Clemens (VA)Antonio J. Munoz (NY)Richard HargreavesDoug NashMichael (Miguel) D. MillerRobert Ungurean (PA)
Or rather...being "requested" by Paul to read it???
It's an interesting document. First of all...
but telephone Caller I.D. logs have been officially recorded, set, evidenced, documented, reported and confirmed as being related 100% to Orney... 'nuff said.... we "gotcha" on this one damned dead to rights.... maybe this will help refresh 'yer memory.... "Ye can call me back free o' charge.....". Phone records have been printed, reviewed and confirmed. Lie to sustain your game - the police KNOW different....
So they know different? How come ABSOLUTELY NOONE has EVER been approached by ANYONE aboiut this? Paul, you were lying to your family again...
And if they know different...Why the hell do you THEN contradict yourself like an idiot???
maybe YOU and Gibby AREN'T the same jackass - (but we'll get you too if your aren't) - Perhaps we're wrong here but then please forgive me if I'm not, Gibby
Get your story straight, Paul! At least...get it right for your Dad's consumption! That's right, the guy whose war career and life you lied about - and even said was dead...
As for THIS bit...
but the thinks different.......
What were you at, Paul? Searching the Net for buzzwords you could drop into convos to convince your Dad that you weren't a lyin' scumbag??? The "N.I. Prison Service" is exactly and ONLY that - and has absolutely no role in law enforcement...
...and a few ninutes LATER when you found the PSNI online YOU FORGOT TO GO BACK AND CORRECT YERSELF!!! You fool.
Let's move on to the REAL fun, shall we???
Some of Feldgaru and AHF's members have consciously (and without firm basis) decided to slander, malign, libel, threaten and harass me and my family. Lawyers (who have nearly bankrupted me) confirm this.
Let's have some names. Paul...Because we've got some chasing up to do, all of us that have been connected in even the SLIGHTEST way with all this...
here's a list of folks who I'd LOVE to hear made the call. After all - this is the list of folks who will be receiving a summons in their Christmas stockings this year... (the summons will be delivered in approximately 8 weeks....)THE LIST OF THOSE WHO LAW ENFORCEMENT WILL DELIVER AN OFFICIAL SUMMONS TO (AS OF 10/21/2008): (more to come)John P. MooreFrederick L. Clemens (VA)Antonio J. Munoz (NY)Richard HargreavesDoug NashMichael (Miguel) D. MillerRobert Ungurean (PA)
...some chasing up on NON-EXISTENT SUMMONSES THAT NEVER ARRIVED!!! Of course they didn't - because they never existed!!! You bullshitted your Dad again, Paul! ALL that was for HIS consumption!
Oh LOOK!!! It's CHRISTMAS AND NOTHING has appeared....
NO summonses. NO phone calls from law enforcement organisations asking people questions. NOTHING WHATSOEVER...
And do you know what the REALLY funny thing was, Paul???
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