Tuesday 23 June 2009

Paul K. Harker - slain by the man who destroyed the Roman Empire!!!...?

...so phylo_roadking lifted the book, scoped out the index, found the correct page - and...

Once Upon A Tyme...

In late 1942, when the Americans and British invaded North Africa - French Algeria and Morrocco - the Germans actioned a longstanding plan to occupy Vichy France in Europe. As Wikipedia describes it...

"During World War II, Operation Attila was a plan for the Nazi occupation of Vichy France. This plan was drawn up in 1940 in case the French rejoined the Allies or in case of an Allied threat to the south of France.

An important aspect was the capture of the
French Navy.

The original plan was never executed, but a version (
Case Anton) which included Italian forces was executed on 11 November 1942 in response to the Torch landings in North Africa."

Operation Attila....the ORIGINAL plan...was drawn up at Hitler's order in 1940. And there, buried in Hugh Trevor-Roper's list garnered from Nazi archives, was the Directive issued by Adolf Hitler for his generals to draw up plans for Operation Attila...

Directive 19.

The order to begin planning Operation ATTILA. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the Holocaust or the SS....

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