Sunday, 28 December 2008
And STILL vermin crawl out of the woodwork...
"Herman Rosenblat and his wife are the most gentle, loving, beautiful people," literary agent Andrea Hurst said Sunday, anguishing over why she, and so many others, were taken by Rosenblat's story of love born on opposite sides of a barbed-wire fence at a concentration camp.
"I question why I never questioned it. I believed it; it was an incredible, hope-filled story."
On Saturday, Berkley Books canceled Rosenblat's memoir, "Angel at the Fence." Rosenblat acknowledged that he and his wife did not meet, as they had said for years, at a sub-camp of Buchenwald, where she allegedly sneaked him apples and bread. The book was supposed to come out in February.
Rosenblat, 79, has been married to the former Roma Radzicky for 50 years, since meeting her on a blind date in New York. In a statement issued Saturday through his agent, he described himself as an advocate of love and tolerance who falsified his past to better spread his message.
"I wanted to bring happiness to people," said Rosenblat, who now lives in the Miami area. "I brought hope to a lot of people. My motivation was to make good in this world."
Rosenblat's believers included not only his agent and his publisher, but Oprah Winfrey, film producers, journalists, family members and strangers who ignored, or didn't know about, the warnings from scholars that his story didn't make sense.
Other Holocaust memoirists have devised greater fantasies. Misha Defonseca, author of "Misha: A Memoire of the Holocaust Years," pretended she was a Jewish girl who lived with wolves during the war, when she was actually a non-Jew who lived, without wolves, in Belgium.
Historical records prove Rosenblat was indeed at Buchenwald and other camps.
"How sad that he felt he had to embellish a life of surviving the Holocaust and of being married for half a century," said Holocaust scholar Michael Berenbaum.
The damage is broad. Publishing, the most trusting of industries, has again been burned by a memoir that fact-checking might have prevented. Berkley is an imprint of Penguin Group (USA), which in March pulled Margaret B. Jones' "Love and Consequences" after the author acknowledged she had invented her story of gang life in Los Angeles. Winfrey fell, as she did with James Frey, for a narrative of suffering and redemption better suited for television than for history.
The damage is deep. Scholars and other skeptics as well as fellow survivors fear that Rosenblat's fabrications will only encourage doubts about the Holocaust.
"I am very worried because many of us speak to thousands of student each year," says Sidney Finkel, a longtime friend of Rosenblat's and a fellow survivor. "We go before audiences. We tell them a story and now some people will question what I experienced."
"This was not Holocaust education but miseducation," Ken Waltzer, director of Jewish Studies at Michigan State University, said in a statement.
"Holocaust experience is not heartwarming, it is heart rending. All this shows something about the broad unwillingness in our culture to confront the difficult knowledge of the Holocaust," Waltzer said. "All the more important then to have real memoirs that tell of real experience in the camps."
Among the fooled, at least the partially fooled, was Berenbaum, former director of the United States Holocaust Research Institute at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington. Berenbaum had been asked to read the manuscript by film producer Harris Salomon, who still plans an adaptation of the book.
Berenbaum's tentative support — "Crazier things have happened," he told The Associated Press last fall — was cited by the publisher as it initially defended the book. Berenbaum now says he saw factual errors, including Rosenblat's description of Theresienstadt, the camp from which he was eventually liberated, but didn't think of challenging the love story.
"There's a limit to what I can verify, because I was not there," he says. "I can verify the general historical narrative, but in my research I rely upon the survivors to present the specifics of their existence with integrity. When they don't, they destroy so much and they ruin so much, and that's terrible."
"I was burned," he added. "And I have to read books more skeptically because I was burned"
...if only Harker's drivel had been published by a REAL publishing house, instead of being self-published lies; then it would have long-since been revealed for the rubbish it is. In the case of Harker's lies....he couldn't have got even the first page past a decent editor.
Oprah, I doubt you'll ever read my blog - but there's some work for you to do up in North Cape May...
Thursday, 25 December 2008

The Tuesday that shit was all published on the Internet - came after a weekend Paul spent at his parents. And how do I know THAT???
And do you know what Paul did?
He went to see his folks in his beaten-up old Oldsmobile - NOT Tracey's nice two year-old SUV...because that would have looked FAR TOO PROSPEROUS...
...and he wouldn't have been able to scrounge money from his parents AGAIN for his non-existent law case!!!
What a complete loser! A complete waste of space as a human being!
He treated his parent like dirt in public...then goes back to them with his hand out for cash....AND STILL LYING ALL THE TIME ABOUT WHAT IT WAS FOR!!!
A Christmas Message To The Commonwealth...
I haven't been back to keep you all updated on events for a long time...but work has been kind to me! In other words...there's been a LOT of it! AND a lot of travelling...
And in one case...even as far as the Eastern Seaboard of the good old United States of America!
Yes, it's a wonderful life being a researcher; sometimes the world doesn't just come to have to go and turn over stones and open dusty tomes...
And you'd be suprised what you find under the darkest of stones...
So what's been happening since I've been gone? Well, I've been in touch on a regular basis with the Feldgrau guys through me old schoolmucker Troy in Sydney...and they're still occasionally finding the odd old sockpuppet buried away in corners there and on AHF. Ever wonder why some of your unmentioned accounts no longer let you in, Paul?
But here's the REAL news of this festive Season...and this one goes straigh to Kenneth and Elaine Harker of Elverson, Pa. .....
Perhaps you remember reading THIS on your son's blog?....
LIE! WRONG! ERRONEOUS! B.S.!!! .....Perhaps "Gibby" isn't in touch with his multiple-personality "Phylo/Orney/Gibby".... but telephone Caller I.D. logs have been officially recorded, set, evidenced, documented, reported and confirmed as being related 100% to Orney... 'nuff said.... we "gotcha" on this one damned dead to rights.... maybe this will help refresh 'yer memory.... "Ye can call me back free o' charge.....". Phone records have been printed, reviewed and confirmed. Lie to sustain your game - the police KNOW different.... maybe we're confused... maybe YOU and Gibby AREN'T the same jackass - (but we'll get you too if your aren't) - Perhaps we're wrong here but then please forgive me if I'm not, Gibby - but the thinks different.......
Some of Feldgaru and AHF's members have consciously (and without firm basis) decided to slander, malign, libel, threaten and harass me and my family. Lawyers (who have nearly bankrupted me) confirm this. Ahhh... but so do the police. And even more... so does the FBI. You see, the FBI handles the majority of crimes generated through use of the internet. Slander, libel, etc. falls under Federal jurisdiction when it takes place via the internet in blogs or through online forum posts. Now I'd like you all to pay attention because I'm doing you a favor by educating you for free. What I've learned has cost me a lot of money. But no harm done. I'll recoup it from you very soon.
Oh... but whatever is Harker talking about now? He's talking about his formal complaint against AHF, Feldgrau and Orney/Gibby with the FBI which can be accessed by researching: IC3 Complaint: I0809010258569891.
But if you computer-savvy geniuses can't find that, feel free to telephone the Newark, New Jersey FBI Field Office directly at: (973) 792-3000 and reference the above number. Just realize they'll ask you for your name and inquire as to why you're referencing this matter. Please tell them who you are and what you'd like to know. Please. I beg you. Call.
Maybe you'll want someone else to make the call. That's understandable since you cowards have violated numerous levels of protocol with illegal deception. But if you really think I'm full of it - here's a list of folks who I'd LOVE to hear made the call. After all - this is the list of folks who will be receiving a summons in their Christmas stockings this year... (the summons will be delivered in approximately 8 weeks....)
John P. MooreFrederick L. Clemens (VA)Antonio J. Munoz (NY)Richard HargreavesDoug NashMichael (Miguel) D. MillerRobert Ungurean (PA)
Or rather...being "requested" by Paul to read it???
It's an interesting document. First of all...
but telephone Caller I.D. logs have been officially recorded, set, evidenced, documented, reported and confirmed as being related 100% to Orney... 'nuff said.... we "gotcha" on this one damned dead to rights.... maybe this will help refresh 'yer memory.... "Ye can call me back free o' charge.....". Phone records have been printed, reviewed and confirmed. Lie to sustain your game - the police KNOW different....
So they know different? How come ABSOLUTELY NOONE has EVER been approached by ANYONE aboiut this? Paul, you were lying to your family again...
And if they know different...Why the hell do you THEN contradict yourself like an idiot???
maybe YOU and Gibby AREN'T the same jackass - (but we'll get you too if your aren't) - Perhaps we're wrong here but then please forgive me if I'm not, Gibby
Get your story straight, Paul! At least...get it right for your Dad's consumption! That's right, the guy whose war career and life you lied about - and even said was dead...
As for THIS bit...
but the thinks different.......
What were you at, Paul? Searching the Net for buzzwords you could drop into convos to convince your Dad that you weren't a lyin' scumbag??? The "N.I. Prison Service" is exactly and ONLY that - and has absolutely no role in law enforcement...
...and a few ninutes LATER when you found the PSNI online YOU FORGOT TO GO BACK AND CORRECT YERSELF!!! You fool.
Let's move on to the REAL fun, shall we???
Some of Feldgaru and AHF's members have consciously (and without firm basis) decided to slander, malign, libel, threaten and harass me and my family. Lawyers (who have nearly bankrupted me) confirm this.
Let's have some names. Paul...Because we've got some chasing up to do, all of us that have been connected in even the SLIGHTEST way with all this...
here's a list of folks who I'd LOVE to hear made the call. After all - this is the list of folks who will be receiving a summons in their Christmas stockings this year... (the summons will be delivered in approximately 8 weeks....)THE LIST OF THOSE WHO LAW ENFORCEMENT WILL DELIVER AN OFFICIAL SUMMONS TO (AS OF 10/21/2008): (more to come)John P. MooreFrederick L. Clemens (VA)Antonio J. Munoz (NY)Richard HargreavesDoug NashMichael (Miguel) D. MillerRobert Ungurean (PA)
...some chasing up on NON-EXISTENT SUMMONSES THAT NEVER ARRIVED!!! Of course they didn't - because they never existed!!! You bullshitted your Dad again, Paul! ALL that was for HIS consumption!
Oh LOOK!!! It's CHRISTMAS AND NOTHING has appeared....
NO summonses. NO phone calls from law enforcement organisations asking people questions. NOTHING WHATSOEVER...
And do you know what the REALLY funny thing was, Paul???
Thursday, 11 September 2008
Winding down with a tinny...
Don't worry - in among all the boring worky crap....there's STILL been plenty of time to go a hunting! And there's some breaking news coming VERY soon on the old Paul Kenneth Harker front! Just a few t's to cross and i's to dot on the next few exciting instalment!
In fact - the more I look....the harder it's been NOT to trip over the nasty little miscreant on the Internet! He's bleedin' EVERYWHERE spreading his bile...
AND he's even resorted to some of his old tricks AGAIN - haven't you, Paul?
Well, mates - here's a challenge for ya. You all know the sorts of places to go hunting for Paul and his verbal equivalents of a Three Stooges' sketch - all his many and various sockpuppets at play under one name or another...
How many can YOU find before *I* can??? They're all out there...
After all - "even a blind squirrel finds a nut now and then" - eh, Paul???
Sunday, 7 September 2008
moss...or a nasty yeast infection?
Here's yet ANOTHER sockpuppet at work last year...
Just plain "Raider" now, he didn't bother with the "1" this time!
"I joined this web site for the sole sake of participating in this particular discussion. I read Zimbardo's work and I read Arendt's first work about Eichmann. Arendt's initial work was based upon a lot of personal interpretations of court documents regarding Eichmann. In his book "Becoming Eichmann", author David Cesserani proves that Arendt wasn't present during enough of Eichmann's trial to generate an authentic account of the events or of Eichmann's state of mind.
Zimbardo's work is fascinating from a psychological point of view. I have personally worked in the mental health care field for 10 years and find most of his theories relative to the themes. However, the Milgram and Stanford Prison Experiments were controlled environments. Zimbardo should be lauded for this work but it remains theory and guesswork at best in its attempts to explain why good people turn to bad behavior.
On the other hand there is one book, "Directive 19" that was written by a former Nazi officer who remained unapologetic and firmly convinced that his actions were justifiable despite having served 30 years in prison for war crimes. This man was a lawyer; had a decent and religious upbringing and was a moral and ethical man. He personally killed over 150,000 people. In his book he explains how such circumstances become "necessary" and how he altered his mindset to carry out these heinous plans. Rolf Schiller tells us how and why these things happened from the perspective of a man who actually did them. In my opinion, even though one may find Schiller reprehensible, his claims carry fact while Arendt and Zimbardo study and assess these matters from an outside view."
Bloody hell - ALL the old chestnuts roasting in one place! His faked career claims, his SS revisionism and apologism, some of his stock phrases...
Friday, 5 September 2008
DOES a rolling stone gather no moss....
G'day, mates! Bright and early on a sunny Saturday morning here, and eatin my breakfast as I check up on the latest news - including the great word that Helion have ALSO pulled "Honor Denied"!
Let's hope this is ONLY the first step!
Thursday, 4 September 2008
The rot sets in...
"Directive 19
From: Duncan Rogers (*******
You may not know this sender.Mark as safeMark as unsafe
Reply-to: Duncan Rogers (********
To: *********************
Hello,Thanks for your review. You won't find it online as I have removed the book from the website, I don't sell fiction, so thanks for the tip,
Best wishes,
Helion & Company Ltd"
Helion is a VERY well-respected UK-based military history bookshop.
Good to see some sense prevailing at last!
a home of your own...
Well once again Gibby claims one thing and admits another. But who has been played here? The phone calls I'm talking about came from Ireland and yes they were very real. So while Gibby may feel comfortable taking credit for these harassing actions, it seems Phylo is the one foolish enough to actually do it. But since you're both working in tandem you'll share equal guilt and culpability for it. I still don't think you have any concept of what you've gotten yourselves into here. Have a nice day fellas....
....and WHY "your pleasure and mine???"
No-one has spoken to Paul's family friends in North Cape May. No-one has spoken to his neighbours in North Cape May....none of his family friends and neighbours "feel violated" by any phoned calls... You were TRICKED, Paul - you were tricked into lying that your "family friends and neighbours" felt violated by phone calls THAT NEVER HAPPENED. YOU INVENTED THEIR REACTION.
AGAIN you've been proved to be a bullshitter, Paul
They DO feel "violated" by something else,Paul - don't they? Why would you actually be too scared to ASK your neighbours if there had been any calls, Paul???
Is it actually because a lot of your neighbours are laughing up their sleeves at your telling everybody who'll listen that your uncle was in the SS, perhaps? Or because they find that objectionable?...
Or is it because you're not actually IN your home town at the minute, Paul???
You've probably told whoever will listen that you're off "touring with Roger Waters" again...but not many people were listening, were they Paul???
You've done a runner, haven't you Paul...because of how your "family friends and neighbours" reacted to you telling porky pies again...
But THIS time you fucked up a friend, didn't you? You couldn't keep your lies to the Second World War and your Hitler's American Legion of pretend relatives, could you?, you had to bullshit a friend that you were buying his house, Paul...resulting in them loosing $80,000!
Those "family friends and neighbours" that love you so much ACTUALLY think yer a shit, Paul...and they've been letting you know it in no uncertain terms, haven't they? They're fed up of your fantasies, especially when it messes up one of their own.
So much so that Paul's had to get out of town for a while 'til the dust settles... and THAT is why he can't ask his "family friends and neighbours" about non-existent phone calls!
Do you think they're gonna want a Nazi-lover back in town?
Tuesday, 2 September 2008
"A Thank You..."
You've told me JUST who is worth chatting to! The initials you freaked the most about are obviously the ones REALLY worth having a nice long chat to....
The biter bit...
"Instead...I had a word with some of your friends and neighbours, Paul. And do you know what about??? And do you know why even some the ones you chat to, and who smile to your face...hate you? Why they were prepared to talk to me???BECAUSE ONCE I SHOWED THEM, THEY HATED WHAT YOU'D DONE TO YOUR DOG!!!"
And what was Paul Harker's reaction?
"Family friends and neigbors may have responded to these calls but some have since felt violated by them. I love it."
Have they? REALLY??? Now THAT is SO strange....
"Is that right? I'll be darned. Did you talk to the guy who brings vegetables from his garden to us? Or was it the person we share a drink with now and then? Or was it the people we socialize with on a fairly regular schedule? You'll have to get up earlier than that to try to create some kind of rift with doublespeak. The whole "smile to your face... and hate you" remark is a ploy at a clever little scheme to deceive me. But we will find out for certain this weekend. Are you an obsessed little cyber-stalker or just another lying sockpuppet associated with Feldgrau?? We'll see. You know why? Because my neighbors suggested and encouraged that picture. I was opposed to at first - not from any moral sense but I thought it was plain silly. But they encouraged it and it happened. How interesting that you baked up this wild story. You're not very good at this Gobby. Or is it Gibby? Whatever... I don't care enough to go back and correct the spelling error with your name."
It wasn't done to create a rift, Paul - IT WAS DONE TO SEE YOUR REACTION...And we ALL saw it. We saw you spout your vitriol and hatred AGAIN...
You see - those phone calls to "family friends" and "neighbours" that made them feel so "violated"??? - YOU WERE PLAYED, BOY!
I baited the hook - with non-existent calls. You took the hook to the extent of bullshitting about people's reactions to them!!!
You're a fool.
Exactly the same sort of fool as when I dropped a few initials into the conversation and you freaked.
As phylo-roadking and several others said months ago about all this - yer just not good at this, Paul. You've been played all along the line, you don't know which way is up, white from black. Yer a puppet on a string.
SO paranoid that you daren't even ask your friends and neighbours if they were called or not. So scared of them starting to ask questions about your books and all the stories you weave. The "local law enforcement officer" you spoke to - would THAT be the one you told that your grandfather was Hitler's chauffeur???
My No.1 Fan...
It's time you let you all in on the joke, mates! This is his latest retort to the last few blog entries I posted. Let's read it first, eh?
"This gets even better! Now Gibby has been so kind as to post the initials of some of the people he's talked to about me. It's interesting that he claims to be a "professional media researcher" because he hasn't investigated the credibility of the people he's spoken to. From the initials he posted, there are multiple individuals who have reputations more questionable than he claims mine to be. Some of the individuals he spoke to have documented cases of alcohol abuse, drug abuse and committment to a psychiatric hospital. I guess he didn't get that far with his "professional research". Sure... these are individuals we should all trust as capable of providing an accurate assessment of me!And... there are sets of initials he left out. Or was that our Belfast friend who made those particular calls and who is working in tandem with you? Or are you one and the same person? After all, you bragged about being a "professional media researcher for Channel 7" and then publicly waffled with the statement: "did you think I'd tell you where I actually worked?" Well... you did. At least that's what you claimed before openly contradicting yourself. Hmmmmm......But this is all so wonderful. Now people have been notified to possibly expect your calls. And some of these people are VERY interested in receiving them. Local and Federal law enforcement agree that you've crossed a line with this harassment. Now there are a few people who look forward to your calls so they can report them. Please continue this behavior. You see, as a "fake counselor" I'm still trying to give you the benefit of the doubt by wondering if you suffer from a severe psychological impairment such as Coprolalia. (Look it up - I'm sure you don't know what it means...). It's in the DSM IV (look that up too if you must) and it seems to fit the bill. Of course I can't accurately provide an assessment of your psychological state without a face-to-face interview, though Anthony J. Munoz claims his "psychology professors" CAN do this."
Meeeeeeoow! Kitty got claws! There's only one MAJOR problem, Paul - GO BACK AND READ EXACTLY WHAT I SAID...
"Just in case you've been wondering Paul - the initials JC would be more appropriate....or PK, or JM...or even TF??? Then there's ALSO AN...and by no means least - AS. Or should that actually be....MH"
Did I actually say I contacted them?'re going to have LOTS of fun finding out that calls were never made! I just said the initials were more appropriate...! Triggers, my child - AND BOY DOES IT SEEM THEY WERE!!!
Paul - yer an idiot, mate. I can say the slightest little thing and it sets you off like a firework, or like a beached whale thrashing around in the shallows, more like!
How many weaknesses have you, mate? How many, nasty skeletons are hidden in your closet? Exactly HOW many sets of initials through your life will make you panic, eh??? Exactly WHO'S names will send you into full headless-chicken mode....and more importantly, WHY???
What HAVE you done in your life Paul that makes you lash out at people like this??? Why would you think SO many people have your worst interests at heart???
I wonder what ELSE there is to find out, in addition to the fraud, the forgery, the anti-Semitism, the Holocaust Denial, the Apologism....
I'll give you a MUCH more simple term Paul - and you won't even need to chat to any of your friend about what it means....
You're PARANOID...
Monday, 1 September 2008
foaming, foaming, foaming
Our friend is continuing to be particularly caustic on his blog. But I have to say...thanks for the advice, mate! I've been hanging back from talking to "JK"...but it looks like it's about time. I haven't a clue who "C(U)R" is - YET - but I think I'll have to go and find out! Shouldn't take me long...I think after putting something like THAT public, whoever they are they'll be only TOO glad to have a chat, don't you??? Thanks for the lead on that one!
Just in case you've been wondering Paul - the initials JC would be more appropriate....or PK, or JM...or even TF??? Then there's ALSO AN...and by no means least - AS. Or should that actually be....MH?
I wouldn't bandy the term "hate crime" around too loosely, mate - there's only one of those around here, sadly - and the perpetrator's after all in the good company of the rest of his apparent family of SS veterans in various generations....
September Fools' Day
"Recently we've examined Peter Gibson and his amusing little comments. The man claims to be a researcher for Australian media who has obviously misused resources to promote what seems to be a revisionist view of the Holocaust by attacking Directive 19 and me, its humble compiler. Gibson offers no proof, scientific data or hard evidence to refute the books but rather makes ludicrous claims against Directive 19 in a most obscure and confusing manner. Gibson seems to deny the validity of Directive 19 and therefore - the Holocaust itself. Probably another "sockpuppet" but sad in a very profound way.
The folowing inquiry was issued to Melbourne Channel 7 Television:
To Whom It Concerns:I'd like to bring your attention to a matter of libel directed at me from someone claiming to be an employee of your television station. The person in question, Peter Gibson, has publicly admitted using your company resources to post a libelous blog about me and publish private information regarding me and my family. This blog can be viewed at: am currently in the process of establishing a lawsuit against several parties and individuals for libel. I would like to know if Mr. Gibson is employed by Channel 7 and if he had professional authorization from a company superior to collect, review, and publish this data using Channel 7 resources.I assure you this is no trivial matter. Attorneys are currently reviewing the data and it is my goal to prosecute the offenders only. If Channel 7 had no knowledge of Gibson's actions then I will not hold Channel 7 liable in this matter. However, if Mr. Gibson is an employee, and if he misused company resources for his personal campaign, I will expect notification of a reprimand or penalty imposed upon him.Sincerely,Paul K. Harker"
Paul - do you want to take a look back at the VERY first page of this blog???
"You haven't seen me before on the Internet. I'm Gibby from Oz, from down here in Melbourne. By day I'm a content researcher for our Melbourne-based station - Chanel no. Seven - and by night??? More of the same if they're payin' overtime"
Chanel No. Seven?
CHANEL No. 7???
Listen, Paul mate - I know you're a bit over concerned about your own masculinity, mate....but you shouldn't let that little blind spot catch you out. You gotta open up your feminine side, mate...and THEN you'd be more aware of when you'd been taken for a ride!!!
What the bloody hell were you doing emailing "Channel 7"...APART FROM MAKING A TIT OF YERSELF, MATE? Christ, I really HOPE you sent that!!! Do you HONESTLY think I'd tell you or anyone who I work for? Here's a hint - there are a total of 23 stations, channels, independent production companies, news agencies etc in the Melbourne area. So get busy, mate! Only another 22 to go!
If you're SO concerned about my blog - READ IT A BIT MORE CAREFULLY, RIGHT???
CHANEL No.7???
THAT way you won't make a tit of yerself in public again!!!
Fire damage sale - one damaged personality
Frnakly, it's been absolutely hilarious watching him selfcombust! You could prove a few schools of medical and scientific thought wrong there, mate!
First of all there was THIS
"Well what can I say? For some time now I've regarded Feldgrau, Axis and Gibson as nemesis components in an ugly exchange of words and emotions. However, after today, I owe each of you an apology. I'm truly sorry if anything I said offended any one of you.And now I must thank you. The controversy you generated about me and my books made this past sales quarter a STELLAR SUCCESS! Consumers - now armed with the "professional caveat" you placed in your reviews, threads and comments, are making the conscious decision to purchase my books to see and judge the content for themselves! I couldn't have asked for better promotion for the books than what you've given me. Your "panel of "experts" and published military historians" posted and published their "learned opinions" of my works while calling me a "huckster, fraud, fake and criminal". For this, you have my sincere thanks. You informed the public of your opinion, slaughtered my name in the process, and now people want to read the books BECAUSE of your opinions! More so because of the negativity you've assigned to them! So thank you! Keep doing what you're doing! You've become a free promotional tool for my books! You've created a wildfire of controversy that's burning in my favor! It's amazing to think of all the people who've heard of me and my books simply by reading your reviews, comments and threads! Your reviews, threads and comments have propagated my name and titles. Why would I need "sockpuppets" when I have YOU guys trumpeting my works to the world? And in a way that makes people curious enough to read them? Remember here - by your own words - "You're the "experts" complete with "management" and according to you I'm the "huckster, fraud, fake and criminal." You've claimed an "expertise" with which to post your caveats and people are buying my books in scores to pit what you've had to say against what a "common Joe" has done. I can't thank you enough!! I was surprised to see the quarterly figures! You guys are awesome!!! And to think I was getting annoyed with all of you! How silly of me! Ornebridges, Gibson, Miller - forgive me! You've done more to help me than you'll ever know! But does this mean I'm dropping the libel suit? Nope. I have too much invested in that to let it go. But thanks again! You guys did me a tremendous service!!
Hmm - "Stellar success" eh, mates? Well it was good try, but sadly he's convincing noone. Why? simple. The Feldgrau guys have been watching the COLLAPSE of his sales figures on Amazon over the last while. Now the last week his position HAS picked up...
FROM 632,666th up to a whopping great....522,480th today!!!
Tell all your fans, Paul - who on earth bought half a book?
That's - "steller success"? More like...dwarf star!
Friday, 29 August 2008
We seek him here, we seek him there...
Where are those 883 pages of documents proving the existence of Schiller?
Where are the 114 pages of Documents proving the existence of Karl von Metzger?
Who are all these "experts" who have confirmed the existence of Schiller and von Metzger? Where are they, Paul?
Not one REAL document, not one experts name IN THREE YEARS...
I'll give you one better than THAT...
Paul K. Harker - your reputation is in the mud; not just personally for the Holocaust Denial and the Apologism, and the Anti-Semitism...not just for the fraudulent and let's face it plain stupid way you used sockpuppets and contradicted yourself so many times...not JUST for your faked careers...but your reputation as an author is six feet under. Tony Munoz was right - the academic fraternity is laughing at these books, and we're all laughing along with them. You haven't been able to prove one single shred of anything between those two sets of covers.
But do you know what's WORSE than not providing them??? All those hundreds of pages of proofs, all those experts' names???
It's the REFUSING to do it. It's not neglecting to, or ignoring the requests - SO many times over the years you've been asked to front up and show us what you PRETEND you have AND YOU HAVE REFUSED. You can't plead ignorance - you were asked to by SO many people on SO many occasions - and you REFUSED. You run away from every test, every chance - ha! - offered to you...
And YOU know why - just as well as WE do...
Just like the sockpuppets' NON-EXISTENT fathers, uncles, grandfathers - NONE OF THOSE PROOFS YOU CLAIM YOU HAVE...EXIST.
It's no wonder I bore him...
"Gibby bores me with his garbage. I was going to comment on his blog but I realize he's not worth dealing with simply because he can't write three sentences without using some kind of childish cussword. Cusswords are simply noise. Just placeholders without any meaning. And that dictates the rest of his comments. They don't mean anything. Gibby might be taken seriously if his goal was to communicate ideas in a way that is convincing. He needs to be wise about how people hear things. The words he chooses, and his condescending tone, cause readers to throw up their defenses in general because he's failed to be convincing. He should make a grown up effort to put his arguments and words in such a way that people can hear and appreciate them, not in ways that cause them to stop listening or want to leave. But I'm sure he'll learn these techniques once he grows up. Plus it's uncreative. People who use foul language as expressions of whatever they are feeling at the moment forsake far more creative ways to say it. People who use it are limiting themselves to a very small, undesirable portion of all language. People who use it show that they are ignorant enough not to know to use something better. Gibby uses it for shock value and to be heard. He craves attention. Then again it also illustrates the lack of education and life experience this poor person has. Yet he deems himself worthy to be my critic? Whatever. His negative attention seeking behavior bores me." bores him because he's been forced to read and listen to the truth coming back at him from all around the world for three years. It bores him because it's ALL he's been hearing - he hasn't heard ONE SINGLE WORD of praise - except what he makes up himself and posts across the Internet via his sockpuppets. He hasn't heard it...
...because NOONE will EVER praise a lie.
And oh just look! All said without one single swear word too! I've betrayed my national stereotype!!!
Ha ha! - thump!
I have to hand it to this guy - he's got "front". Seriously. He's JUST been revealed in all his "glory" as a Holocaust Denier and Anti-Semite - AND he's been forced to admit all the sockpuppets WERE him - AND just been caught with his hand in the cookie jar.
Using a FAKE document to try and prove the existence of "Rolf Otto Schiller"??? Jesus, mate - what happened to the
"621 pages of records concerning this man’s career were located in the archives of the Russian Federalist States and an additional 212 pages were located in the archives of the Krakow Police Museum. Anyone willing to perform more than cursory research on names, dates and events can readily identify this former SS officer. There was also the acquisition and study of the trial transcript." That's EIGHT HUNDRED AND THIRTY THREE PAGES of documentary evidence of Schiller's existence and career you PRETENDED existed as "RJHart" on Feldgrau...
So - what does he complain about on his blog?
Jesus Christ, mate, catch a grip on reality! Get a grip on the SCALE of what you've done, and for how long you were at it! Me - I'd be PROUD - pride, that's something you can NEVER feel now....nor anyone around you! - IF I were phylo_roadking. But I'm not. He's better than me. Certainly smarter, he saw through you from Day One. Though of course he's handicapped by NOT being Australian!!!
Did you not instead stop to think that maybe what you've been doing has got on the tits of a LOT of people???
And of course I've got a freemail addy. All the better to protect myself from worms and viruses, eh Paul? Freemail addresses are wonderful things, Paul - you SHOULD get yerself one...didn't you realise it was the Comcast email addresses FIRST got the Feldgrau blokes looking at your Feldgrau sockpuppet???
Tom Brownshirt's Schooldays
Yours don't seem to have been, Paul, do they? You didn't HAVE many friends - and those you made don't talk to you any more. They quite constructively blank you, in fact...
They have some interesting tales to tell, Paul......
School may not have been a good time for you, Harker - but did you have to make it bad for others???
Did you HAVE to stand in the schoolyard at St. Pius X High School, Pottstown - and give the Nazi Salute and shout "Sieg Heil" at the synagogue nearby???
So - let's just get this right in our heads, mates - WE have seen chapter and verse on the Holocaust Denial, historical revisionism, and Apologism of Paul K. Harker...who as a teenager shouted Nazi slogans at the local Jewish community in his home town...
Only one slight problem, mates - this wasn't Potsdam in the early 1930's...this was Pottstown, Penn. in the early 1980's!!!
Do YOU think...
PUBLICALLY claims a NON-existent MA in Psychology?
PUBLICALLY claims a NON-existent BA in medieval History?
PUBLICALLY claims years of experience as a lecturer in Genocide and WWII history that NEVER happened?
Would your father be proud of a guy who claims a NON-existent military career?
Would they be proud of a son who PUBLICALLY claimed to Victor Greto and John Moore a successful career in counselling for teenagers....
...when all you ever were was the RECEPTIONIST in a Halfway House for teenagers in New jersey???
That's right, mates - ALL Paul K. Harker's claimed careers are fake!!!
What ELSE wouldn't they be proud of???
"The Holocaust was not conceived because of a one-dimensional hatred of the Jews."
"The Holocaust ... was it an integral part of the Third Reich's existence? In the scope of German politics it was essential"
"As for the warped minds, you might be surprised to know that many of those who came up with and carried these plans held Ph.D.'s and were from professional and respectable trade backgrounds."
"What must be taken into account first is that neither Hitler nor the Germans were the inventors of Anti-Semitism. "
"Interestingly and what often gets overlooked, is that Hitler stated that his management of the Jews came from what he learned about how the Americans treated its Indians. Not to mention the anti-Jewish Nuremberg Laws were almost verbatim adaptations of the American Jim Crowe Laws. So what happened there was Hitler's leadership was actually fostered by encouraging a cause that was already prevalent in most Europeans."
"many of the high ranking SS officers held PhDs and were extremely intelligent people."
"...the Reich and its policies were "politically correct" for its day"
"Were the members of the SS psychopaths and sadists? While such an environment may attract such people it can hardly be argued that the majority of SS members fit this mold"
"The abominable policies enforced by the SS had been made acceptable through German laws that prevailed at the time. As a consequence, it was entirely legal for the SS (under Nazi law) to enforce these policies without legal repercussions."
"As evidenced, Tavor joined the Israeli security forces and was hailed as a hero during the Eichmann capture. Murder is murder. Acts like these make the men who commit them analogous to the men they are killing."
"Historically and objectively, it is one-dimensional to believe that this "system" executed people solely for their religion. If you properly research the "system" you will find there were many social, political, economic and collectivist reasons for the executions. I am not advocating this matter, nor am I trying to open a floodgate. However, the belief that atrocities occurred solely due to religious beliefs is a naive misconception"
"I think its necessary to define those responsible for targeting eugenic enemies before entering into debate about how the members of the SS carried it out.Hitler, Goring, Heydrich and Himmler weren't the only ones. A lot of highly respected educated people who financed the Third Reich were calling for this too."
"After all, not only did Germany want this solution, the rest of Europe did too"
"What motivates a man to do these things? First let us dismiss the idea that such things are only capable by a former member of the SS"
And LAST - but NO means least...
"Objectively, the evidence doesn't add up to what the Allies told us. We heard about gas chambers and massive burial pits but the photos taken by the Allies show hundreds and sometimes thousands of corpses lying out in the open. Not in gas chambers and not in pits. With my simple medical background its fair to say those bodies were probably those who perished from typhus or other diseases, perhaps those who died from being given lethal doses of nutrition by the liberating Allies."
You've given them SO much to be proud of in a son, haven't you???
Perhaps it's time they knew???
Pathos...or pathetic???
Where had we all got to??
Paul K. Harker had JUST admitted to being "Chance" - which means he's ALSO ALL the other sockpuppets on AHF.
JUST so we all remember it right - THAT means he wrote
"My mother was always tight-lipped about my grandfather's wartime service so I'm hoping something in these attachments will be enough for fellow site members to give me some information. What I do know is that my grandfather was born in 1918 and enlisted in the German military in 1936 and though this sounds strange to me - he supposedly went through "basic training" at Dachau. I believe he was stationed in France from 1940 - 1941 (?) and later deployed to the Russian front. He survived the war and passed away in Germany in 2003"
"My fascination with World War II Germany began during a series of interviews with an uncle who served with Reich forces."
"My wife's grandfather served in the German Army during World Wars I and II. Recently my mother-in-law gave this medal to us and said it belonged to her father (my wife's late grandfather)."
"Where do I begin? My father, a Wehrmacht veteran, passed away 2 months ago."
"Greetings. I'm new to this forum, but as the son of a German war veteran I hope I can impart my knoweldge of this era to help others."
"Where to begin with this?? I had an uncle who served as a Luftwaffe pilot "
"I am directly related to a World War II German officer who was convicted of war crimes. Not exactly the kind of thing one discusses at parties!"
(Paul K Harker on AllExperts)
"The Totenkopfverbande (of which two of my uncles served in) "
(Paul K Harker on AllExperts)
"The Youth Corps (of which my father was a member) was organized and run by Baulder von Schirach"
(Paul K Harker on AllExperts)
"I spent 6 years working with my uncle to publish his memoirs in 2006. He was a Major in the SS Totenkopfverbande and served 30 years for war crimes. From 6 years of interviews with him and from talking to other family members who served in the SS"
(Paul K Harker on AllExperts)
"directly from the personal interviews with my uncle who served 30 years for war crimes as one who helped conduct the holocaust"
(Paul K Harker on AllExperts)
That's QUITE the family business there, Paul! Do your PARENTS know all this??? Do THEY know the lies you're telling not ONLY about THEIR fathers and brothers...but ABOUT THEM THEMSELVES???
Does your Dad KNOW he was in the Hitler Youth before he was in the U.S. Coastguard???
They wouldn't be pleased at all - would they, Paul???
Thursday, 28 August 2008
The holiday weekend in the U.S.
I'll bet I could tell you EXACTLY what they'll say, mate - and I won't even charge by the word for the opinion! Yer can have it gratis, mate!...
"Fer fuck' sake, Mister Harker - will you PLEASE not put yer fingers anywhere near a keyboard and STOP incriminating yerself!!!"
"Watchin' the detectives...."
But it's good to know we have at least ONE regular viewer of my 'umble scribings...
Our old friend - or should that be circle of friends??? All those sockpuppets, it's like the Stepford Wives, all nice identically-behaving guys with the same interests in military history - PAUL is looking in tonight, mates!
He has a blog - not as well-thought out a blog as here, but still a blog. And since he's decided to keep a beady eye on us...he's makin some BIG mistakes, mates!
Want to know tonight's?
"So Gibson checked with the ASPCA and photo manipulation qualifies as Animal Cruelty? I think we got us another crackpot on our hands boys and girls.Here's his latest joke: "I've been chatting to a WIDE range of former...acquaintances of Paul's. Strangely enough - not many have a good word to say about him."Is that the best you can do? Apparently he's gone a step beyond with this hilarious little tidbit:"Instead...I had a word with some of your friends and neighbours, Paul. And do you know what about??? And do you know why even some the ones you chat to, and who smile to your face...hate you? Why they were prepared to talk to me???BECAUSE ONCE I SHOWED THEM, THEY HATED WHAT YOU'D DONE TO YOUR DOG!!!"Is that right? I'll be darned. Did you talk to the guy who brings vegetables from his garden to us? Or was it the person we share a drink with now and then? Or was it the people we socialize with on a fairly regular schedule? You'll have to get up earlier than that to try to create some kind of rift with doublespeak. The whole "smile to your face... and hate you" remark is a ploy at a clever little scheme to deceive me. But we will find out for certain this weekend. Are you an obsessed little cyber-stalker or just another lying sockpuppet associated with Feldgrau?? We'll see. You know why? Because my neighbors suggested and encouraged that picture. I was opposed to at first - not from any moral sense but I thought it was plain silly. But they encouraged it and it happened. How interesting that you baked up this wild story"
Paul Harker - you don't take advice well do ya? MONTHS ago the guys on Feldgrau told you to be a LOT more careful with what you write, mate...
Read this again, mates...
"Because my neighbors suggested and encouraged that picture. I was opposed to at first - not from any moral sense but I thought it was plain silly. But they encouraged it and it happened. How interesting that you baked up this wild story"
So - let's get this straight, Paul - YOUR neighbours encouraged this, and YOU did it even though YOU thought it was silly.
"Your", "You",..."You" again???
Paul - well done, mate! "YOU" JUST managed to confirm that "YOU" are indeed "Chance" the sockpuppet!!! "Paul K. Harker" JUST confirmed "Chance's" dog is HIS dog! And therefore by the way phpBB forum software works, you just confirmed ALL the other sockpuppets are YOU TOO! "Vetson", "Schiller", "Sharon", "Raider1" etc. etc. etc....
"photo manipulation qualifies as Animal Cruelty" would YOU know this was "photo manipulation", mate??? Because...yes, that's right - apparently on AHF this is "Chance's" dog!!!
ONE blog entry and you CONFIRM all those sockpuppets are YOU! ALL those sockpuppets with "dead" SS fathers, and uncles and grandfathers. All those guys with boxes full of dubious militaria and photo albums. Every word in every one of their posts came out of your mouth. They were INDEED all you, and by accepting "Chance's" dog as YOURS - you just fronted up.
Tell me something, Paul - man to man now...does it hurt??? Your foot...where you shot yerself???
Thanks, mate! - Yer a beaut! I couldn't have done it without ALL yer help! I'll remember you in my Oscar acceptance speech, mate!
I wanna be a rockstar...
wait - Drumming???
You mean - you didn't know our chap Harker was a rockstar, did you???
Jesus, I know the name is clicheed, but it just fits too bloody well! - but our mate Walter Harker-Mitty is a rockstar too, didn't you know???
"Our fearless Corporate Sales Executive, Casey Smith, was in the WaWa getting a huge cup of coffee - (probably to keep awake from all of her hours of hard work this summer) - when she overhead this guy talking about a little kid playing the drums to Pink Floyd songs. She starts chattin’…Casey talks to everyone…and it turns out this guy is Paul K. Harker - the drummer for Roger Waters Ltd.!!!! She’d just seen them in concert. And here he is in Cape May County getting a cup o’ Joe at WaWa. Doesn’t matter that he’s a celebrity playing with one of the most famous musicians ever…she solicits him for a catered picnic for next year. Now she’s emailing him and Roger Waters people. Hey, Paul and Roger…Wish You Were Here!
Lisa Fagan"
"Drums and percussion are to be performed by Paul K. Harker who makes his return to Roger's band after a span of 14 years"
Bloody hell! Paul apparently tells people you can see him onstage in the Pink Floyd the Wall" concert in Berlin nearly two decades ago...well, phylo_roadking still has a VHS tape of that gig and HE can't see him...but I know something phylo_roadking doesn't...
Woohoo! Happy days! I got one up on him!!!
According to some of his neighbours and friends he's STILL bullshitting that line!!! That he's going to be touring with them again soon! he's been shooting that line for a year now - hence the "practising" that's got on their tits since.
Suffice it to say - Paul K Harker was NEVER a professional musician, nor EVER shared a stage with Roger Waters in ANY capacity.
I've been chatting to a WIDE range of former...acquaintances of Paul's. Strangely enough - not many have a good word to say about him. But ALL of them confirm that despite his wannabe dreams of bein a rockstar...ALL the above is just bullshit. Websites created to build the impression of a successful music career - NOW WHERE HAVE WE HEARD THAT TACTIC BEFORE??? - or conversations had with passersby, like the girl in the coffee shop. or trying to pass himself off as a retired musician to distant acquaintances.
Now you DO have to admit, it DOES make him sound...a bit of a dick, doesn't it???

Yeah, that's right, mates - "Chance".....and just LOOK who posted that post on AHF?...
"Chance", the Paul K Harker sockpuppet. The guy who wrote THIS...
"I'm 40 years old and live on the New Jersey coast. I'm happily divorced and share my home with my dog, Chance"
Paul K. Harker - your friends and neighbours JUST had to look at this pic to remember "Chance" the dog was YOURS. They didn't need to read the books, or read the Feldgrau threads. They JUST had to look at the poor old pup with a WWII German steel helmet jammed on his head, and looking distinctly unhappy about it - to know it was YOUR dog, Harker.
After THAT - the phpBB forum software used by AHF CONFIRMS UNMISTAKEABLY AND UNARGUABLY that "Chance" is the SAME person as "Sharon", "Shiller", "Searcher 571"....and "Crusher", "Cavet25", "Vetson" and all the others.
Your house of Internet cards just fell down. Knocked over by your pet dog.
Who let the dogs out?
But you know what, mate? What's the point of chatting to YOU - given that you're a confirmed and proven liar...
Instead...I had a word with some of your friends and neighbours, Paul. And do you know what about??? And do you know why even some the ones you chat to, and who smile to your face...hate you? Why they were prepared to talk to me???
Man's Best Friend, eh Paul? It's just a pity a few of the people within eyeshot of you are Kennel Club members. Because you made THE biggest mistake in your career as an author...
Go half way down that page, til you find the picture of the mutt in the steel helmet. Take a good long look at the picture, mates; The Wunderhund doesn't seem to like having a stalheim jammed on his bonce. In fact - and I've checked this with the ASPCA - this is Cruelty To Animals. Abuse.
And do you know what makes THIS worse???
THIS is a TRUE AMERICAN HERO. This is no invented D-Day veteran who managed to swim the Atlantic six months ahead of the rest of his division. This is no squaddy in the "Royal Army" or the "Scottish U.N. Forces". This is the retired NYPD search-and rescue K9 adopted by Harker and his ex-wive, who according to the settlement details I've found he screwed her out of "custody" of! Yes - pets come under custody laws in New Jersey.
And just GUESS what the dog's name is???
The Usual Suspects...
Where the bloody hell are we now?
Where we are is very simple - an author who's biog is totally false; he has NO degrees, let alone the fake MA in Medieval History and BA in psychology he claimed on AllExperts, NOR the "Degree in Medieval History" he claimed to Victor Greto, NOR the "Degree in Medieval military history" he claimed as "Chance".
His military service in Central America is likewise invented, contrary to what he's spent years telling his vet buds.
A guy who has a recorded history IN PRINT of Holocaust Denial and revisionism going back for years.
Who has a personal history of being a SERIOUS Nazi fanboy right back to High School.
Who has used a WIDE variety of fake personalities - "sockpuppets" - across the Internet to promote his books, to deflect criticism...AND to portray himself as an expert in the field!!!
Who uses faked documentation to confirm his "facts".
Now - throughout this blog I've shown you a LOT of material, given you details of ALL the proofs of his nefarious...outright disgusting...deeds.
But here comes the best proof of all. How does one actually go about proving a FAKE Internet sockpuppet IS a real live human being OF A DIFFERENT NAME TO THE ONE HE GIVES ON THE INTERNET?
(If the term can be used of Harker, that is...)
"Wibbly-wobbly Timey-wimey stuff..."

Well, as phylo_roadking puts it...
Time After Time...

Not ANOTHER one???

Here's the SECOND "Amsel" supplied document John recieved...
Click on IT and take a close look at what you see...
Look at the line beginning Military Police of the British 12th Division..."
As phylo_roadking says it hard on Feldgrau...
"In THIS case the forger made a very basic mistake, he didn't check nomenclature - A/ "British 12th Division" isn't a normal way of describing a Division of the British Army, and B/ more revealingly - the forger didn't check the material he was using...
12th Dvision (Eastern) of the British Army, though it had a very distinguished record in the Great War, was disbanded in July, 1940 after it's integral units suffered very large losses in France and Dunkirk. The divisional name and number was NEVER reused by the British Army!!!
It simply didn't exist in 1945..."
Real, honest-to-god FRAUD!!!

A questionmark more cutting than the fuckin Sword of Damocles!!!