Here's the SECOND "Amsel" supplied document John recieved...
Click on IT and take a close look at what you see...
Look at the line beginning Military Police of the British 12th Division..."
As phylo_roadking says it hard on Feldgrau...
"In THIS case the forger made a very basic mistake, he didn't check nomenclature - A/ "British 12th Division" isn't a normal way of describing a Division of the British Army, and B/ more revealingly - the forger didn't check the material he was using...
12th Dvision (Eastern) of the British Army, though it had a very distinguished record in the Great War, was disbanded in July, 1940 after it's integral units suffered very large losses in France and Dunkirk. The divisional name and number was NEVER reused by the British Army!!!
It simply didn't exist in 1945..."
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