Thursday, 28 August 2008

Returning to the scene of the crime...

Remember the first sockpuppet clearly identfied on Feldgrau as Harker - "RJHART"?

I wonder - what did HE have to say about "Honor Denied"???

"114 various documents were located to support the material related in Honor Denied. Again, I agree this memoir is subjective and in some places astounding claims are made by the author. However, I defend this work as well."

AND - as we WELL know - NONE of these have been made public by Paul K. Harker - despite the many requests both publically to him.


Because Paul K. Harker has NEVER claimed any "family confidential" reason for NOT proving von Metzger's identity!!!

However - we DO know something more about von Metzger...

Courtesy of Victor Greto!!!

"Harker's collection of medieval artifacts eventually led to his meeting with Schiller.

A friend's daughter, spending the year as an exchange student in Europe, saw similar medieval artifacts in the home of the German family where she was staying and mentioned that Harker was a historian.

The head of the family asked if Harker would be interested in the memoirs of her father, Dieter Olaf Hoffman, an SS officer who died in 1983.

This piqued Harker's interest, and the woman mailed Harker Hoffman's memoir.

While trying to find people who knew Hoffman, Harker came into contact with another former SS officer named Karl Werner von Metzger, who also was working on his own memoirs.

Von Metzger, who now plans to publish his memoirs with Harker, mentioned another officer, who directed Harker to Schiller."

So HERE we have an author being put in touch with a FAKE officer - Schiller - by way of von Metzger, when he was researching one "Deiter Olaf Hoffmann"...

Hmm...Deiter Hoffmann...

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