Sunday 24 August 2008

"Chance meet Paul Harker, Paul Harker meet "Chance"

Phylo_roadking picked up on something that NONE of the other "forum heroes" had found. When I look at it now it's just so bloody obvious - but kudos to him (don't you bloody HATE that term??? Here's a tinny on me, mate!) but this is what started off his investigation into Paul Harker...and, like I said, boy is he GOOD!

Here's "Chance's" biog again. Scope out the bits in bold...

"I'm 40 years old and live on the New Jersey coast. I'm happily divorced and share my home with my dog, Chance. (See photo). I work as a mental health care counselor for adolescents and hold a degree in Medieval Military History. My family has a history of military service traceable to the year 1708. My fascination with World War II Germany began during a series of interviews with an uncle who served with Reich forces. I'm a veteran of the US Army and enjoy playing and listening to music, fishing and reading. I'm also a devout Oakland Raiders fan"

Listen...I KNOW you've ALL just said...."So what?"...

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