Sunday, 24 August 2008

The Unknown Soldier...

Here's what phylo_roadking asks "Mr. Tyler" very polite, I hope you've noticed - not at all like how Paul K. Wanker behaves when his sockpuppets are talking to others. he's a nasty badtempered little prick, ain't he???

Anyway - back to Pvt. Tyler...

"Mister Tyler, can you explain something for me? You said 62 years ago you were a 17 year old boy in the 99th US Infantry. You traveled from Portsmouth England to the Normandy beachhead on June 12th 1944. You arrived in-country almost a week after D-Day.I find this very strange - as the 99th Infantry arrived in England on the 10th OCTOBER 1944, moved to Le Havre, France, on the 3rd of NOVEMBER, and proceeded to Aubel, Belgium, to prepare for combat. You seem to have reached FRANCE before the rest of your Division even reached ENGLAND. What was your specialty that brought you to England and France half a year before the rest of your unit? "


"P.S. your memory also seems to have let you down about Dachau - the 99th were nowhere near Dachau, it was entered by the 42nd Infantry Division of the U.S. Seventh Army on 29 April 1945. Others claim that the first forces to enter the main camp were a battalion of the 157th Infantry Regiment of the 45th Infantry Division commanded by Felix L. Sparks. There is an on-going disagreement as to which division, the 42nd or the 45th, actually liberated Dachau because they seem to have approached by different routes and by the American Army's definition, anyone arriving at such a camp within 48 hours was a liberator. But the 99th was never there before the camp was handed over to the Russians later in the year? Are you perhaps thinking of some other camp?(Strangely enough, "Battle babies", the story of the 99th Infantry, and published in Paris by Stars&Stripes in 1945 makes NO mention of the entering of Dachau...which would have been newsworthy and recorded for posterity...) "

That's right - phylo_roadking had seen the same thing I had - even the respected J.Tyler, U.S. War another Harker sockpuppet, and a badly researched one at that!

But it won't be the LAST "respected military person" we come across as we shovel away layers of Harker's shite...

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