Sunday, 24 August 2008

"John Moore's Lament"

So how did John Moore get on with Paul K. Harker?

Oh dear.....

In a brief exchange of emails and PMs, Paul K. Harker palmed John off with umpteen reasons why he couldn't and wouldn't give John ANYTHING to check on on Schiller with. Not two words written in a row. A COMPLETE stonewall...EVEN when John offered to do this confidentially and NOT make the result public for any reasons of delicacy. For let's face it, "Schiller" if he existed, was a real bastard...


Harker DID contribute something to the debate without realising.

He finally gave John a version of WHY he couldn't - because "Schiller" had been a family member, and only when everyone agreed would he be able to provide ANY information AT ALL...

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