Friday, 29 August 2008

Ha ha! - thump!

That's me laughing me leg off!

I have to hand it to this guy - he's got "front". Seriously. He's JUST been revealed in all his "glory" as a Holocaust Denier and Anti-Semite - AND he's been forced to admit all the sockpuppets WERE him - AND just been caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

Using a FAKE document to try and prove the existence of "Rolf Otto Schiller"??? Jesus, mate - what happened to the

"621 pages of records concerning this man’s career were located in the archives of the Russian Federalist States and an additional 212 pages were located in the archives of the Krakow Police Museum. Anyone willing to perform more than cursory research on names, dates and events can readily identify this former SS officer. There was also the acquisition and study of the trial transcript." That's EIGHT HUNDRED AND THIRTY THREE PAGES of documentary evidence of Schiller's existence and career you PRETENDED existed as "RJHart" on Feldgrau...


So - what does he complain about on his blog?


Jesus Christ, mate, catch a grip on reality! Get a grip on the SCALE of what you've done, and for how long you were at it! Me - I'd be PROUD - pride, that's something you can NEVER feel now....nor anyone around you! - IF I were phylo_roadking. But I'm not. He's better than me. Certainly smarter, he saw through you from Day One. Though of course he's handicapped by NOT being Australian!!!

Did you not instead stop to think that maybe what you've been doing has got on the tits of a LOT of people???

And of course I've got a freemail addy. All the better to protect myself from worms and viruses, eh Paul? Freemail addresses are wonderful things, Paul - you SHOULD get yerself one...didn't you realise it was the Comcast email addresses FIRST got the Feldgrau blokes looking at your Feldgrau sockpuppet???

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