Sunday, 24 August 2008

"Lower than a snake's belly..."

Then even MORE Denial and Revisionism began to appear on ProjectGermanVeteran...

In a thread about why the Holocaust happened...

"I think its necessary to define those responsible for targeting eugenic enemies before entering into debate about how the members of the SS carried it out.
Hitler, Goring, Heydrich and Himmler weren't the only ones. A lot of highly respected educated people who financed the Third Reich were calling for this too."

In other words - it wasn't Harker's favourite Nazis wot done it, M' was nice ordinary Germans. So the SS and the leading Nazis were just nice, average joes...

"I guess I get a little frustrated because when the discussion about the “hows” and “whys” of genocide are brought up it’s only the German SS soldier that’s made to answer the

In other words - it wasn't Harker's mates, it was everyone ELSE...

"After all, not only did Germany want this solution, the rest of Europe did too"

"Was there a difference between the SS who poured the gas in the chambers and the railroad engineers who drove the trains to the camps? What makes someone do those things? How about promotions, medals and incentives? Good rewards for bad actions? Remember that National Socialism removed the class system. Now average guys could become generals"

And hey - they made the the gas on time too!

"What motivates a man to do these things? First let us dismiss the idea that such things are only capable by a former member of the SS"

NOW he's getting a bit TOO fucking obvious!!!

But THIS now...THIS goes one step TOO far...

"Objectively, the evidence doesn't add up to what the Allies told us. We heard about gas chambers and massive burial pits but the photos taken by the Allies show hundreds and sometimes thousands of corpses lying out in the open. Not in gas chambers and not in pits. With my simple medical background its fair to say those bodies were probably those who perished from typhus or other diseases, perhaps those who died from being given lethal doses of nutrition by the liberating Allies."

! ! ! ! !

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