Friday, 29 August 2008
We seek him here, we seek him there...
Where are those 883 pages of documents proving the existence of Schiller?
Where are the 114 pages of Documents proving the existence of Karl von Metzger?
Who are all these "experts" who have confirmed the existence of Schiller and von Metzger? Where are they, Paul?
Not one REAL document, not one experts name IN THREE YEARS...
I'll give you one better than THAT...
Paul K. Harker - your reputation is in the mud; not just personally for the Holocaust Denial and the Apologism, and the Anti-Semitism...not just for the fraudulent and let's face it plain stupid way you used sockpuppets and contradicted yourself so many times...not JUST for your faked careers...but your reputation as an author is six feet under. Tony Munoz was right - the academic fraternity is laughing at these books, and we're all laughing along with them. You haven't been able to prove one single shred of anything between those two sets of covers.
But do you know what's WORSE than not providing them??? All those hundreds of pages of proofs, all those experts' names???
It's the REFUSING to do it. It's not neglecting to, or ignoring the requests - SO many times over the years you've been asked to front up and show us what you PRETEND you have AND YOU HAVE REFUSED. You can't plead ignorance - you were asked to by SO many people on SO many occasions - and you REFUSED. You run away from every test, every chance - ha! - offered to you...
And YOU know why - just as well as WE do...
Just like the sockpuppets' NON-EXISTENT fathers, uncles, grandfathers - NONE OF THOSE PROOFS YOU CLAIM YOU HAVE...EXIST.
It's no wonder I bore him...
"Gibby bores me with his garbage. I was going to comment on his blog but I realize he's not worth dealing with simply because he can't write three sentences without using some kind of childish cussword. Cusswords are simply noise. Just placeholders without any meaning. And that dictates the rest of his comments. They don't mean anything. Gibby might be taken seriously if his goal was to communicate ideas in a way that is convincing. He needs to be wise about how people hear things. The words he chooses, and his condescending tone, cause readers to throw up their defenses in general because he's failed to be convincing. He should make a grown up effort to put his arguments and words in such a way that people can hear and appreciate them, not in ways that cause them to stop listening or want to leave. But I'm sure he'll learn these techniques once he grows up. Plus it's uncreative. People who use foul language as expressions of whatever they are feeling at the moment forsake far more creative ways to say it. People who use it are limiting themselves to a very small, undesirable portion of all language. People who use it show that they are ignorant enough not to know to use something better. Gibby uses it for shock value and to be heard. He craves attention. Then again it also illustrates the lack of education and life experience this poor person has. Yet he deems himself worthy to be my critic? Whatever. His negative attention seeking behavior bores me." bores him because he's been forced to read and listen to the truth coming back at him from all around the world for three years. It bores him because it's ALL he's been hearing - he hasn't heard ONE SINGLE WORD of praise - except what he makes up himself and posts across the Internet via his sockpuppets. He hasn't heard it...
...because NOONE will EVER praise a lie.
And oh just look! All said without one single swear word too! I've betrayed my national stereotype!!!
Ha ha! - thump!
I have to hand it to this guy - he's got "front". Seriously. He's JUST been revealed in all his "glory" as a Holocaust Denier and Anti-Semite - AND he's been forced to admit all the sockpuppets WERE him - AND just been caught with his hand in the cookie jar.
Using a FAKE document to try and prove the existence of "Rolf Otto Schiller"??? Jesus, mate - what happened to the
"621 pages of records concerning this man’s career were located in the archives of the Russian Federalist States and an additional 212 pages were located in the archives of the Krakow Police Museum. Anyone willing to perform more than cursory research on names, dates and events can readily identify this former SS officer. There was also the acquisition and study of the trial transcript." That's EIGHT HUNDRED AND THIRTY THREE PAGES of documentary evidence of Schiller's existence and career you PRETENDED existed as "RJHart" on Feldgrau...
So - what does he complain about on his blog?
Jesus Christ, mate, catch a grip on reality! Get a grip on the SCALE of what you've done, and for how long you were at it! Me - I'd be PROUD - pride, that's something you can NEVER feel now....nor anyone around you! - IF I were phylo_roadking. But I'm not. He's better than me. Certainly smarter, he saw through you from Day One. Though of course he's handicapped by NOT being Australian!!!
Did you not instead stop to think that maybe what you've been doing has got on the tits of a LOT of people???
And of course I've got a freemail addy. All the better to protect myself from worms and viruses, eh Paul? Freemail addresses are wonderful things, Paul - you SHOULD get yerself one...didn't you realise it was the Comcast email addresses FIRST got the Feldgrau blokes looking at your Feldgrau sockpuppet???
Tom Brownshirt's Schooldays
Yours don't seem to have been, Paul, do they? You didn't HAVE many friends - and those you made don't talk to you any more. They quite constructively blank you, in fact...
They have some interesting tales to tell, Paul......
School may not have been a good time for you, Harker - but did you have to make it bad for others???
Did you HAVE to stand in the schoolyard at St. Pius X High School, Pottstown - and give the Nazi Salute and shout "Sieg Heil" at the synagogue nearby???
So - let's just get this right in our heads, mates - WE have seen chapter and verse on the Holocaust Denial, historical revisionism, and Apologism of Paul K. Harker...who as a teenager shouted Nazi slogans at the local Jewish community in his home town...
Only one slight problem, mates - this wasn't Potsdam in the early 1930's...this was Pottstown, Penn. in the early 1980's!!!
Do YOU think...
PUBLICALLY claims a NON-existent MA in Psychology?
PUBLICALLY claims a NON-existent BA in medieval History?
PUBLICALLY claims years of experience as a lecturer in Genocide and WWII history that NEVER happened?
Would your father be proud of a guy who claims a NON-existent military career?
Would they be proud of a son who PUBLICALLY claimed to Victor Greto and John Moore a successful career in counselling for teenagers....
...when all you ever were was the RECEPTIONIST in a Halfway House for teenagers in New jersey???
That's right, mates - ALL Paul K. Harker's claimed careers are fake!!!
What ELSE wouldn't they be proud of???
"The Holocaust was not conceived because of a one-dimensional hatred of the Jews."
"The Holocaust ... was it an integral part of the Third Reich's existence? In the scope of German politics it was essential"
"As for the warped minds, you might be surprised to know that many of those who came up with and carried these plans held Ph.D.'s and were from professional and respectable trade backgrounds."
"What must be taken into account first is that neither Hitler nor the Germans were the inventors of Anti-Semitism. "
"Interestingly and what often gets overlooked, is that Hitler stated that his management of the Jews came from what he learned about how the Americans treated its Indians. Not to mention the anti-Jewish Nuremberg Laws were almost verbatim adaptations of the American Jim Crowe Laws. So what happened there was Hitler's leadership was actually fostered by encouraging a cause that was already prevalent in most Europeans."
"many of the high ranking SS officers held PhDs and were extremely intelligent people."
"...the Reich and its policies were "politically correct" for its day"
"Were the members of the SS psychopaths and sadists? While such an environment may attract such people it can hardly be argued that the majority of SS members fit this mold"
"The abominable policies enforced by the SS had been made acceptable through German laws that prevailed at the time. As a consequence, it was entirely legal for the SS (under Nazi law) to enforce these policies without legal repercussions."
"As evidenced, Tavor joined the Israeli security forces and was hailed as a hero during the Eichmann capture. Murder is murder. Acts like these make the men who commit them analogous to the men they are killing."
"Historically and objectively, it is one-dimensional to believe that this "system" executed people solely for their religion. If you properly research the "system" you will find there were many social, political, economic and collectivist reasons for the executions. I am not advocating this matter, nor am I trying to open a floodgate. However, the belief that atrocities occurred solely due to religious beliefs is a naive misconception"
"I think its necessary to define those responsible for targeting eugenic enemies before entering into debate about how the members of the SS carried it out.Hitler, Goring, Heydrich and Himmler weren't the only ones. A lot of highly respected educated people who financed the Third Reich were calling for this too."
"After all, not only did Germany want this solution, the rest of Europe did too"
"What motivates a man to do these things? First let us dismiss the idea that such things are only capable by a former member of the SS"
And LAST - but NO means least...
"Objectively, the evidence doesn't add up to what the Allies told us. We heard about gas chambers and massive burial pits but the photos taken by the Allies show hundreds and sometimes thousands of corpses lying out in the open. Not in gas chambers and not in pits. With my simple medical background its fair to say those bodies were probably those who perished from typhus or other diseases, perhaps those who died from being given lethal doses of nutrition by the liberating Allies."
You've given them SO much to be proud of in a son, haven't you???
Perhaps it's time they knew???
Pathos...or pathetic???
Where had we all got to??
Paul K. Harker had JUST admitted to being "Chance" - which means he's ALSO ALL the other sockpuppets on AHF.
JUST so we all remember it right - THAT means he wrote
"My mother was always tight-lipped about my grandfather's wartime service so I'm hoping something in these attachments will be enough for fellow site members to give me some information. What I do know is that my grandfather was born in 1918 and enlisted in the German military in 1936 and though this sounds strange to me - he supposedly went through "basic training" at Dachau. I believe he was stationed in France from 1940 - 1941 (?) and later deployed to the Russian front. He survived the war and passed away in Germany in 2003"
"My fascination with World War II Germany began during a series of interviews with an uncle who served with Reich forces."
"My wife's grandfather served in the German Army during World Wars I and II. Recently my mother-in-law gave this medal to us and said it belonged to her father (my wife's late grandfather)."
"Where do I begin? My father, a Wehrmacht veteran, passed away 2 months ago."
"Greetings. I'm new to this forum, but as the son of a German war veteran I hope I can impart my knoweldge of this era to help others."
"Where to begin with this?? I had an uncle who served as a Luftwaffe pilot "
"I am directly related to a World War II German officer who was convicted of war crimes. Not exactly the kind of thing one discusses at parties!"
(Paul K Harker on AllExperts)
"The Totenkopfverbande (of which two of my uncles served in) "
(Paul K Harker on AllExperts)
"The Youth Corps (of which my father was a member) was organized and run by Baulder von Schirach"
(Paul K Harker on AllExperts)
"I spent 6 years working with my uncle to publish his memoirs in 2006. He was a Major in the SS Totenkopfverbande and served 30 years for war crimes. From 6 years of interviews with him and from talking to other family members who served in the SS"
(Paul K Harker on AllExperts)
"directly from the personal interviews with my uncle who served 30 years for war crimes as one who helped conduct the holocaust"
(Paul K Harker on AllExperts)
That's QUITE the family business there, Paul! Do your PARENTS know all this??? Do THEY know the lies you're telling not ONLY about THEIR fathers and brothers...but ABOUT THEM THEMSELVES???
Does your Dad KNOW he was in the Hitler Youth before he was in the U.S. Coastguard???
They wouldn't be pleased at all - would they, Paul???
Thursday, 28 August 2008
The holiday weekend in the U.S.
I'll bet I could tell you EXACTLY what they'll say, mate - and I won't even charge by the word for the opinion! Yer can have it gratis, mate!...
"Fer fuck' sake, Mister Harker - will you PLEASE not put yer fingers anywhere near a keyboard and STOP incriminating yerself!!!"
"Watchin' the detectives...."
But it's good to know we have at least ONE regular viewer of my 'umble scribings...
Our old friend - or should that be circle of friends??? All those sockpuppets, it's like the Stepford Wives, all nice identically-behaving guys with the same interests in military history - PAUL is looking in tonight, mates!
He has a blog - not as well-thought out a blog as here, but still a blog. And since he's decided to keep a beady eye on us...he's makin some BIG mistakes, mates!
Want to know tonight's?
"So Gibson checked with the ASPCA and photo manipulation qualifies as Animal Cruelty? I think we got us another crackpot on our hands boys and girls.Here's his latest joke: "I've been chatting to a WIDE range of former...acquaintances of Paul's. Strangely enough - not many have a good word to say about him."Is that the best you can do? Apparently he's gone a step beyond with this hilarious little tidbit:"Instead...I had a word with some of your friends and neighbours, Paul. And do you know what about??? And do you know why even some the ones you chat to, and who smile to your face...hate you? Why they were prepared to talk to me???BECAUSE ONCE I SHOWED THEM, THEY HATED WHAT YOU'D DONE TO YOUR DOG!!!"Is that right? I'll be darned. Did you talk to the guy who brings vegetables from his garden to us? Or was it the person we share a drink with now and then? Or was it the people we socialize with on a fairly regular schedule? You'll have to get up earlier than that to try to create some kind of rift with doublespeak. The whole "smile to your face... and hate you" remark is a ploy at a clever little scheme to deceive me. But we will find out for certain this weekend. Are you an obsessed little cyber-stalker or just another lying sockpuppet associated with Feldgrau?? We'll see. You know why? Because my neighbors suggested and encouraged that picture. I was opposed to at first - not from any moral sense but I thought it was plain silly. But they encouraged it and it happened. How interesting that you baked up this wild story"
Paul Harker - you don't take advice well do ya? MONTHS ago the guys on Feldgrau told you to be a LOT more careful with what you write, mate...
Read this again, mates...
"Because my neighbors suggested and encouraged that picture. I was opposed to at first - not from any moral sense but I thought it was plain silly. But they encouraged it and it happened. How interesting that you baked up this wild story"
So - let's get this straight, Paul - YOUR neighbours encouraged this, and YOU did it even though YOU thought it was silly.
"Your", "You",..."You" again???
Paul - well done, mate! "YOU" JUST managed to confirm that "YOU" are indeed "Chance" the sockpuppet!!! "Paul K. Harker" JUST confirmed "Chance's" dog is HIS dog! And therefore by the way phpBB forum software works, you just confirmed ALL the other sockpuppets are YOU TOO! "Vetson", "Schiller", "Sharon", "Raider1" etc. etc. etc....
"photo manipulation qualifies as Animal Cruelty" would YOU know this was "photo manipulation", mate??? Because...yes, that's right - apparently on AHF this is "Chance's" dog!!!
ONE blog entry and you CONFIRM all those sockpuppets are YOU! ALL those sockpuppets with "dead" SS fathers, and uncles and grandfathers. All those guys with boxes full of dubious militaria and photo albums. Every word in every one of their posts came out of your mouth. They were INDEED all you, and by accepting "Chance's" dog as YOURS - you just fronted up.
Tell me something, Paul - man to man now...does it hurt??? Your foot...where you shot yerself???
Thanks, mate! - Yer a beaut! I couldn't have done it without ALL yer help! I'll remember you in my Oscar acceptance speech, mate!
I wanna be a rockstar...
wait - Drumming???
You mean - you didn't know our chap Harker was a rockstar, did you???
Jesus, I know the name is clicheed, but it just fits too bloody well! - but our mate Walter Harker-Mitty is a rockstar too, didn't you know???
"Our fearless Corporate Sales Executive, Casey Smith, was in the WaWa getting a huge cup of coffee - (probably to keep awake from all of her hours of hard work this summer) - when she overhead this guy talking about a little kid playing the drums to Pink Floyd songs. She starts chattin’…Casey talks to everyone…and it turns out this guy is Paul K. Harker - the drummer for Roger Waters Ltd.!!!! She’d just seen them in concert. And here he is in Cape May County getting a cup o’ Joe at WaWa. Doesn’t matter that he’s a celebrity playing with one of the most famous musicians ever…she solicits him for a catered picnic for next year. Now she’s emailing him and Roger Waters people. Hey, Paul and Roger…Wish You Were Here!
Lisa Fagan"
"Drums and percussion are to be performed by Paul K. Harker who makes his return to Roger's band after a span of 14 years"
Bloody hell! Paul apparently tells people you can see him onstage in the Pink Floyd the Wall" concert in Berlin nearly two decades ago...well, phylo_roadking still has a VHS tape of that gig and HE can't see him...but I know something phylo_roadking doesn't...
Woohoo! Happy days! I got one up on him!!!
According to some of his neighbours and friends he's STILL bullshitting that line!!! That he's going to be touring with them again soon! he's been shooting that line for a year now - hence the "practising" that's got on their tits since.
Suffice it to say - Paul K Harker was NEVER a professional musician, nor EVER shared a stage with Roger Waters in ANY capacity.
I've been chatting to a WIDE range of former...acquaintances of Paul's. Strangely enough - not many have a good word to say about him. But ALL of them confirm that despite his wannabe dreams of bein a rockstar...ALL the above is just bullshit. Websites created to build the impression of a successful music career - NOW WHERE HAVE WE HEARD THAT TACTIC BEFORE??? - or conversations had with passersby, like the girl in the coffee shop. or trying to pass himself off as a retired musician to distant acquaintances.
Now you DO have to admit, it DOES make him sound...a bit of a dick, doesn't it???

Yeah, that's right, mates - "Chance".....and just LOOK who posted that post on AHF?...
"Chance", the Paul K Harker sockpuppet. The guy who wrote THIS...
"I'm 40 years old and live on the New Jersey coast. I'm happily divorced and share my home with my dog, Chance"
Paul K. Harker - your friends and neighbours JUST had to look at this pic to remember "Chance" the dog was YOURS. They didn't need to read the books, or read the Feldgrau threads. They JUST had to look at the poor old pup with a WWII German steel helmet jammed on his head, and looking distinctly unhappy about it - to know it was YOUR dog, Harker.
After THAT - the phpBB forum software used by AHF CONFIRMS UNMISTAKEABLY AND UNARGUABLY that "Chance" is the SAME person as "Sharon", "Shiller", "Searcher 571"....and "Crusher", "Cavet25", "Vetson" and all the others.
Your house of Internet cards just fell down. Knocked over by your pet dog.
Who let the dogs out?
But you know what, mate? What's the point of chatting to YOU - given that you're a confirmed and proven liar...
Instead...I had a word with some of your friends and neighbours, Paul. And do you know what about??? And do you know why even some the ones you chat to, and who smile to your face...hate you? Why they were prepared to talk to me???
Man's Best Friend, eh Paul? It's just a pity a few of the people within eyeshot of you are Kennel Club members. Because you made THE biggest mistake in your career as an author...
Go half way down that page, til you find the picture of the mutt in the steel helmet. Take a good long look at the picture, mates; The Wunderhund doesn't seem to like having a stalheim jammed on his bonce. In fact - and I've checked this with the ASPCA - this is Cruelty To Animals. Abuse.
And do you know what makes THIS worse???
THIS is a TRUE AMERICAN HERO. This is no invented D-Day veteran who managed to swim the Atlantic six months ahead of the rest of his division. This is no squaddy in the "Royal Army" or the "Scottish U.N. Forces". This is the retired NYPD search-and rescue K9 adopted by Harker and his ex-wive, who according to the settlement details I've found he screwed her out of "custody" of! Yes - pets come under custody laws in New Jersey.
And just GUESS what the dog's name is???
The Usual Suspects...
Where the bloody hell are we now?
Where we are is very simple - an author who's biog is totally false; he has NO degrees, let alone the fake MA in Medieval History and BA in psychology he claimed on AllExperts, NOR the "Degree in Medieval History" he claimed to Victor Greto, NOR the "Degree in Medieval military history" he claimed as "Chance".
His military service in Central America is likewise invented, contrary to what he's spent years telling his vet buds.
A guy who has a recorded history IN PRINT of Holocaust Denial and revisionism going back for years.
Who has a personal history of being a SERIOUS Nazi fanboy right back to High School.
Who has used a WIDE variety of fake personalities - "sockpuppets" - across the Internet to promote his books, to deflect criticism...AND to portray himself as an expert in the field!!!
Who uses faked documentation to confirm his "facts".
Now - throughout this blog I've shown you a LOT of material, given you details of ALL the proofs of his nefarious...outright disgusting...deeds.
But here comes the best proof of all. How does one actually go about proving a FAKE Internet sockpuppet IS a real live human being OF A DIFFERENT NAME TO THE ONE HE GIVES ON THE INTERNET?
(If the term can be used of Harker, that is...)
"Wibbly-wobbly Timey-wimey stuff..."

Well, as phylo_roadking puts it...
Time After Time...

Not ANOTHER one???

Here's the SECOND "Amsel" supplied document John recieved...
Click on IT and take a close look at what you see...
Look at the line beginning Military Police of the British 12th Division..."
As phylo_roadking says it hard on Feldgrau...
"In THIS case the forger made a very basic mistake, he didn't check nomenclature - A/ "British 12th Division" isn't a normal way of describing a Division of the British Army, and B/ more revealingly - the forger didn't check the material he was using...
12th Dvision (Eastern) of the British Army, though it had a very distinguished record in the Great War, was disbanded in July, 1940 after it's integral units suffered very large losses in France and Dunkirk. The divisional name and number was NEVER reused by the British Army!!!
It simply didn't exist in 1945..."
Real, honest-to-god FRAUD!!!

A questionmark more cutting than the fuckin Sword of Damocles!!!
Deiter Hoffmann???
THEN John Moore was sent some documents. Strangely enough, he was sent them by an individual on AHF - called "Amsel" - who hasn't figured in things yet...
"Hi Booklover, I would recommend "Directive 19 The Memoirs of Sturmbannfuhrer Rolf Otto Schiller". It covers the career of an SS officer who worked for Eichmann, Heydrich and Himmler."
"I'd recommend Directive 19 too. Very interesting book."
But what ELSE has "Amsel" said on AHF???
"George, Rolf Otto Schiller has been called fictional every time he has been discussed on this website. I am a little disappointed that the research on him has been cursory. Other researchers have found his records."
Strangely enough - in THAT thread...such an expert SUDDENLY appeared!!! AND in the VERY next posting...
"For those who smell a rat, you might want to reconsider the company you keep. I agree that a lot of "research" here appears to be cursory at best as Amsel points out. I haven't read the other threads about this guy being "fictitious" but I looked deeper than the Dienstalterliste and Field Men lists and found him. The DALS is often unreliable and I find it hard to believe that serious researchers use this as the "only" source of verification."
And just WHO was this noted "Expert" who found Rolf Otto Schiller in the historivcal expert when a whole raft of published historian couldn't???
Who we ALL now know was Paul K. Harker himself! So even on AHF Harker was posing as a so-called "expert" to try and deflect genuine and well-founded criticism of his book!
BUT...let's not get TOO far from Deiter Hoffmann JUST yet...
Returning to the scene of the crime...
I wonder - what did HE have to say about "Honor Denied"???
"114 various documents were located to support the material related in Honor Denied. Again, I agree this memoir is subjective and in some places astounding claims are made by the author. However, I defend this work as well."
AND - as we WELL know - NONE of these have been made public by Paul K. Harker - despite the many requests both publically to him.
Because Paul K. Harker has NEVER claimed any "family confidential" reason for NOT proving von Metzger's identity!!!
However - we DO know something more about von Metzger...
Courtesy of Victor Greto!!!
"Harker's collection of medieval artifacts eventually led to his meeting with Schiller.
A friend's daughter, spending the year as an exchange student in Europe, saw similar medieval artifacts in the home of the German family where she was staying and mentioned that Harker was a historian.
The head of the family asked if Harker would be interested in the memoirs of her father, Dieter Olaf Hoffman, an SS officer who died in 1983.
This piqued Harker's interest, and the woman mailed Harker Hoffman's memoir.
While trying to find people who knew Hoffman, Harker came into contact with another former SS officer named Karl Werner von Metzger, who also was working on his own memoirs.
Von Metzger, who now plans to publish his memoirs with Harker, mentioned another officer, who directed Harker to Schiller."
So HERE we have an author being put in touch with a FAKE officer - Schiller - by way of von Metzger, when he was researching one "Deiter Olaf Hoffmann"...
Hmm...Deiter Hoffmann...
The Radio Operator...
"Honor Denied:The Combat Memoirs of SS Radio Operator Karl Metzger "
How shall we sum THIS one up?
Let's leave it to the reviewers, shall we?? Here's Kunikov's detailed breakdown...
"This book was produced by the same author as "Directive 19". It is my opinion, and that of others, that these books are NOT real but fiction. In fact, if the author had advertised them as such they would probably have been well received, overlooking the enormous amount of factual mistakes the author makes, he does show some talent for fictional writing. Sad to say that the writing in both books is similar enough that one would know they were written by the same person rather than simply 'transcribed' from two totally separate veterans. While "Directive 19" shows the "ugly" side of the SS, that of an officer personally responsible for mass murder and genocide, Honor Denied" is more a book about the "innocent" soldiers who simply fought for reasons other than what has been prescribed to the majority of those who served in the SS." Some would say this is a "white washing" of the SS, I would agree with them. Still, if some would like to treat this book as fact, then you'll have to account for the following mistakes/errors:From the forward of the book:"The average soldier in the Waffen SS did not care if a person was Jewish or a Communist."Hard to believe especially in light of the indoctrination these men received, and the 5th SS Wiking division that the author belonged to most definitely was indoctrinated at one point or another, see "Valhalla's Warriors" by terry Goldsworthy."We saw 13 million Ukrainians starved to death under the orders of Josef Stalin and we believed it was a just act to liberate those people and destroy the Communist system that oppressed them."The German invasion of the USSR was not a war based on liberation but rather on genocide. 13 million Ukrainians did not starve to death, the highest estimates at the height of the cold war didn't even reach that preposterous figure. There is also no evidence that Stalin ordered any such thing, but this is of course easily overlooked since the Mr. Harker can claim this is the author's opinion which doesn't need to be based in reality. Then again, this is the first time I've ever heard a so called SS soldier speak of such things when it comes to Ukraine, the Ukrainian people, or Soviet history.The rest of the book:As with "Directive 19" the main character in "Honor Denied" serves under Rommel, what are the chances?"North of Verviers, Herr General leaned over the guiding bar of his hatch and said, "Put my 102's at the 2300 position, put my Panzer IIIs at 1400, my Grenadiers at the 1700 position and line up the 88's at 2000!" pg. 14. This just does not sound at all authentic, aside from the fact that "102s" did not exist and tanks were not ordered around by type but rather by the formation they were in.Then on pg. 11 "Herr General [in this case Rommel] believed it suicide to directly assault this line of defense [Maginot Line] so instead of crossing directly into France and taking this line head on, he chose to invade France through Belgium, swing south through the Ardennes Forest and low country, drive past the Maginot Line and then turn parallel to it and attack it from behind." Rommel chose how to attack France? That's a new one for me.Also, why would Rommel be asking Keitel "if he would be willing to hold firm at Sivry-Rance for six hours" during the invasion of France/Belgium? pg. 36 Keitel did not serve in the field.During the campaign against France the author contends, on pg. 45, "I was able to contact the Grenadiers by using the Pertrix and asked if it was probable to put grenades or a panzerfaust round into the bell tower." Panzerfausts were not in circulation until 1943, the earliest, this is 1940. The same mistake was made in "Directive 19".I found it odd that this soldier is constantly receiving orders directly from OKH and OKW, I can't imagine that the high command of the armed forces and high command of the army would both be sending orders directly to a divisional commander, specifically Rommel. What happened to his immediate superior(s)/commanding officer(s)?On pg. 124 the author discusses training with his Wiking Regiment in the snow as they are getting ready to invade the Soviet Union. This would make more sense if Hitler and his high command actually anticipated fighting in the winter months, they didn't.The chapter on Barbarossa has the author come into the Soviet Union, on June 21, 1941, by plane, land, come out and be met by so called "Ukrainian partisans" and then the plane that dropped him off leaves. I can't even begin to understand this. The soldiers are never told what their mission is, they aren't told who they're meeting, and the Ukrainians have their orders for them! While German aircraft went on spy missions over the Soviet Union, these missions were not a secret and they were almost always trailed by Soviet aircraft until they left Soviet airspace.On pg. 129 the author claims "The Russian Army suspects the German attack will come." Not so, the Red Army was caught by surprise for a reason, they were not expecting or ready for an attack.Pg. 137, as in the author's other book, the usual Ukrainian greeting is wrong, he states the Germans were greeted with flowers and wine, the usual greeting is bread and salt.Pg. 139, the author uses the same "Communism and Bolshevism" as he did in "Directive 19", there is no reason to use both as they mean the same thing in this context. It seems that both sides blow whistles when they want something done, either retreat or attack. First time I've encountered so much whistle blowing.Pg. 155 claims the author was assigned to an Einsatzgruppen for communication training, this is simply preposterous.And on pg. 158 the author says that they "were told the Einsatz Units followed the main combat troops and remained behind in captured cities to access damages, repair factories and plants, fix the rail lines and govern the local population." That's unbelievably inaccurate, they were there to 'pacify the rear' and eliminate those who were deemed a threat to the Third Reich. And the Wehrmacht, and most definitely the SS, knew exactly what they were doing as they were often coordinating with them and were quite often asked for help in a variety of ways, cordoning off areas, helping with logistics, etc.On pg. 163 the author reports about Russian 'half tracks' same mistake as in "Directive 19" the Red Army had no half-tracks so early in the war, and when they did have them they were sent through Lend Lease later in the war.Pg. 181 the Red Army apparently has PaK39 anti-tank artillery, in reality they did not, the Red Army also has 108mm 'cannon', I've never seen mention of such a caliber.The author claims, on pg. 182, that the Wehrmacht was given credit for "the capture of an entire Russian Army Group' when they took Kharkov in 1941, that's simply not true. This would be closer to the truth for Kiev, but not Kharkov.Pg. 200 replacements arrive from a "replacement battalion" located at Rostov-on-Don, while the city was in Red Army hands. Operation "Blau", the German advance into the Caucasus and against Stalingrad, was, in reality, planned for late May 142, in this book the author is already talking about it, and it seems in February, it is already beginning.Pg. 211 the author claims that Tiger tanks arrived at Rostov-on-Don in the middle of February 1942. The first use of Tiger tanks on the Eastern Front was in the north outside Leningrad in August of 1942, this of course overlooks the fact that, once more, Rostov was in Soviet hands in February.On pg. 214 a Russian 'Nun' is watching over a German wounded soldier, I can't particularly remember too many Russian Nuns since the Soviet Union was an atheist state and persecuted religious institutions.The author's Russian certainly hasn't improved since "Directive 19." On pg. 275 we have "Vam anee myortvee?" being translated as "Are they dead?" Not very accurate, 'vam' doesn't belong there as it means 'for you.'It only gets worse as on pg. 276 the author hears "Tye saldaten! Pree kha deets!" "tye" is the only Russian word I recognize here, the rest are just letters put together.More on pg. 278, "Da, min vee kyaat!" only 'da' can be identified.On pg. 283 the author claims a regiment, specifically the one he's in, has over 12,000 men, I'm pretty sure he's confused a division with a regiment here. Regiments usually number 3,000 men.On pg. 292 the author claims Novorossiysk was abandoned by the germans in October 1942, not true, Novorossiysk was fought over until late 1943.On pg. 343 the author speaks of operation Bagration, which occurred in June of 1944, yet in this book it takes place in March as "...the Soviets launched a powerful offensive on the Belorussian Front..."I cannot imagine how much more proof is needed to show that this book is the furthest thing from "authentic"."
Bloody Hell. As fake as Rolf Schiller...
"The Sockpuppets Strike Back"
O Jesus...
"I'd like to know if Irwin Rommel was a follower of nazism. from the limited information I gathered it apperars as though while he was in the nazi party he was'nt one for their ideolgy. Ive read that he was known as an honorable man never mistreating P.O.Ws standing up to Hitlers genocide order and even paying french laboreres for building costal defenses. Im hoping to write a small thesis paper on this subject and if anyone could answer me or refer me to books or articles, or both I'd be obliged."
Enter the sockpuppets begging to be told about his books! Because what did the majority of his "answer" deal with???
" It's certainly not my aim to promote my own books, however, my second work titled Honor Denied - The Memoirs of SS Radio Operator Karl Metzger, will give you 9 chapters of personal observations about Rommel. Mr. Metzger served as one of Rommel's radio operators during the French and Low Countries Campaigns in 1940. He speaks highly of Rommel and regarded him as a father-figure. Despite Rommel's disdain for the SS, this abhorrance was primarily reserved by Rommel for its officers and higher-ups. Rommel did not direct this disdain toward the SS enlisted men such as Karl. Metzger relates things in his first 9 chapters such as Rommel's realization that the SS was shooting POWs, Rommel's direct involvement with civilians and POWs (such as removing his hat when speaking to them to appear more as an equal gentleman rather than a military officer) and even humorous anectdotal stories such as Rommel calling Karl "Kartoffelkopf" (Potato Head). "
You can't escape that fatal fascination for Erwin Rommel, can you mate?
BUT THEN....there was the last line. A "rare" use of the word "Nazi" from Paul...
"What I learned from working with Mr. Metzger was that Rommel was more of a German patriot rather than a Nazi."
But what if "Mr. Metzger" is as big a fraud as Rolf Otto Schiller???
But let's not let Harker off the Rommel hook quite yet...
"QUESTION: Hi Paul, Can you tell me if Erwin Rommel Sr. had any sisters. On my mother's side of the family, my great-great grandmother's maiden name was Louisa (Louise) Rommel. Her husband's last name was Yost. I think his first name might have been George or Henry. Their daughter Elsie was my great grandmother. According to my grandmother, we are related to the Desert Fox. Since his sister's name was Helene, maybe his father and my great-great grandmother might have been brother and sister. Grandma told me that they were our cousins. My great grandmother Elsie was born in Hoboken, New Jersey in 1894. She and her family moved back to Germany in 1896, and then her mother moved them back to the United States for good when her father died, somewhere around 1907. My mother also says that someone in the family has a picture of Erwin Jr. and Elsie, that was taken in Germany when they were young. I have never seen it, and can't prove it exists, but maybe you can help me find out if there is a family connection. Thanks, Adam"
How amazing!!! Someone claiming Rommel as a family connection - AND HARKER ANSWERING IT!!! Now wasn't THAT such a bleedin' suprise!!!
But what WAS his answer???
"This is a very interesting question as it follows one I have been recently asked about a potential relative of Rommel on the east coast of the USA. The man who asked me the question said he had a college professor in Pennsylvania who claimed to be related to Erwin Rommel. As a historian, I personally find your reference to Hoboken, NJ of interest as it strengthens the possibilities for a geographic region. The answer to your question is yes, Rommel (the Desert Fox) had one sister named Helene, and two brothers named Karl and Gerhard. Rommel Sr. (Th Desert Fox's father) had 2 brothers, Georg and Johanne and 1 sister named Gerta. Unfortunately, that is all the information I have. I have not been able to trace the geneaology of the siblings. However, my second published book was the memoirs of Karl Metzger who served as Rommel's radio operator during the Low Countries and French campaign of 1940. He was well acquainted with Rommel on a personal level. I telephoned Mr. Metzger in regard to your question and sadly he was not able to provide any light on Rommel Sr.'s family. I would guess there is a distinct possibility of Rommel's relatives being on the east coast of the USA but would naturally urge you to try to get ahold of the photograph you mentioned. I'd be happy to perform a geneaology search of your relatives if you can provide known names (first and surnames), birth and death dates. Very Sincerely,Paul K. Harker"
But BEST of all is THIS...
Subject: irwin rommel family
i had a Behavioral Science prof in l966-67 at Drexel Univ. in Phila. He definately was related to the Desert Fox, but I can't remember how. He was probably in his 30's or 40's at the time - had young kids, I remember. Would you know? He even looked so much like Irwin.
Paul's answer?
Hello Maron, Erwin Rommel had 2 brothers, Karl and Gerhard, and 1 sister named Helene. Rommel and his wife had 1 son named Manfred. There's speculation that Rommel may have had an affair while at officer cadet school and that this relationship produced a daughter named Gertrud. These are the only known siblings and children though I assume it's possible that a son of Karl, Gerhard or Helene could very well have ended up as a teacher at Drexel. Deductively, if the teacher's last name wasn't Rommel it's an educated guess that he was the son or nephew of Helene thus removed by surname through marriage. I hope this helps narrow it down for you. Very interesting question and please post a follow-up if I can be of further assistance. Very Sincerely,Paul K. Harker "
AllExperts doesn't provide any channel for direct communication...
Take a look at the Q & A for yourself. What do you see???
"Hello Maron"
...which is bloody fucking weird - FOR "MARON" DIDN'T GIVE HIS NAME!!!
Keeping it in the family...
But - back in the many kids do YOU know boasted that their mum was Rommel's neice???
Yeah, he's been sellin THAT one as far back as primary school - grade school as you Yanks call it. This kid moved around a LOT of schools - well, his dad WAS in the Coastguard - when ACCORDING TO HARKER he was...killing Jews or being dead!!!
Most kids have more...subtle...boasting games - "I can piss higher in the lavs than you can", "my bike's faster than yours" "my SISTER is faster than yours" "My dad's taking me to the game tonight!"...
But who could EVER trump "My mom is related to the Greatest German General Of The Second World War"...
Took quite a while to track down your old school mates, Paul - but I got it done. You always DID have some VERY weird ideas on Nazis and Jews, didn't you??? you know the sad thing about THIS piece of crap??? The really REALLY sad part?
Some of us grow up...Harker didn't...
In the jungles of Central America...
Now - af ALL the things a guy could time of war I'd think ANYONE , NOT just Americans...CLAIMING yourself a distinguished military career is just about the saddest AND the most despicable thing a guy could. The REAL vets have out themselves in harm's way for you; so what do you think of a guy CLAIMING he's done that???
Do you think Paul K. Harker could be this sad???
Let's look at what his VARIOUS biogs say him...
First of all - Victor Greto's...
"He enlisted in the Army at 17 in the hopes of becoming a journalist in Europe. Instead, he was assigned to medic duty in Central America."
Then there's "Chance's" version...
"I'm a veteran of the US Army"
And in several other occasions there have been allegations of a long and PROVEABLE military career...
'Fraid NOT!!!
ONE summer, Paul??? Did you even complete basic training???
AND what did they chuck you out for??? That's right - our "veteran" of Central America was Dishonourably Discharged.
How many of your "Vietnam Vet" mates know that??? How many of them know that your tales of combat are complete bullshit? More lies and fabrications and perpetrated on YOU, guys...
How come you smart guys fell for the "hail, fellow well met!" gladhanding???
Personally - I wonder why he was benched too. I could GUESS it could have been your cowardice, rabbitboy...but maybe it was your extreme views??? How many armies want Nazis in their ranks nowadays???
For I happen to know his pro-Nazi views go back DECADES...
Monday, 25 August 2008
nastynasty etc II
"My uncle was a Major in the SS Totenkopfverbande and I published his memoirs in 2006 (book mentioned above). He worked directly for Adolf Eichmann and supervised an extensive portion of the Final Solution - from Einsatzgruppen killings in the field to mass gassings at Auschwitz, Belzec and Sobibor. He was a lawyer. I mention this book because much of my answer to you is going to be taken from it, and in effect, directly from the personal interviews with my uncle who served 30 years for war crimes as one who helped conduct the holocaust".
Jesus Christ! - NOW "Schiller" is supposed to be his UNCLE!!!
Paul, listen mate - here's a bit of free advice for you if youre gonna go through your life as a lyin cheatin prick like this...yer best mate needs to be a notebook and a pencil. You see every time you throw up a REALLY major inconsistency like you did here? People are gonna KNOW one or other or both of your versions of something are LIES...
What's he done now???
Simple - "who served 30 years for war crimes"...
He told Victor Greto "Schiller" had only served TWENTY!!!
Jesus, Harker - get a grip on yer lies, mate!!!
"The Holocaust was not conceived because of a one-dimensional hatred of the Jews."
"The Holocaust ... was it an integral part of the Third Reich's existence? In the scope of German politics it was essential"
"As for the warped minds, you might be surprised to know that many of those who came up with and carried these plans held Ph.D.'s and were from professional and respectable trade backgrounds."
Guys, I don't know about you - but when a guy says THIS sort of thing SO many times, time after time, in SO many different places OVER A COUPLE OF YEARS...then there's absolutely NO way that they can be anything else EXCEPT deep-held convictions and beliefs!!!
Look back at what you've read spewing out of his gob - quotes from repulsive anti-Semitic neo-Nazi sites, claims of having umpteen SS officers in his extended family, claims that the poor SS were misunderstood Nice Guys, that the Allies had lied about them and what they did. That the foul disgusting experiments by the likes of Joseph Mengele were a good thing because of what they gave us. That they did good for Germany by removing the class system. That it wasn't JUST them wanted the Jews dead - it was ALL of Europe and EVERY German!
This guy is SO proud of what the SS did he claims SS war criminals in every generation of his family and every side of it right back to the war!!!
And look at JUST how many times you've read it spewing out of him like vomit...
You can STILL think this is all incidental and not intentional?
Guys, this is more than just some bloke with an interest in military history - we're dealing with one SERIOUS Nazi fanboy here!!! Someone who EVERY time he puts his grubby digits on a keyboard he spews out Holocaust Denial, war crime apologia, and serious Nazi fanwankery by the page!
Someone who really BELIEVES all this shit!
AllExperts - OneWanker
Bloody hell - NOW we have to have a look at THIS mess left behind by Paul K. Wanker...
"Published author of 2 books about the Third Reich: "Directive 19" and "Honor Denied". 6 years experience as a High School and College Level lecturer on Genocide and the Holocaust. Over 15 years experience with personal interviews of Holocaust survivors, partisans, and Axis and Allied veterans."
Yeah - THAT wanker!
Except - Paul K. harker has NEVER worked as a "High School or College level lecturer on Genocide and the Holocaust"...
....Paul K. Harker has NEVER held a job for more than two years in his life - EXCEPT FOR MANAGING THE TEXACO PETROL STATION IN NORTH CAPE MAY, NEW JERSEY!!!
The facilities provided to a content researcher are many and various - and pretty damn good!
But BEFORE we go to North Cape May...back to AllExperts for a time...
"Fegelein joined the National Socialist Party and the SA in 1930. He transferred the to the general SS a year later and was transitioned into the Waffen SS in 1933. This was before height requirements were established. These men were "grandfathered in" once the official requirements became protocol. I hope this answers your question satisfactorily"
No it doesn't - poor guy, whoever he was he used AllExperts - and got Harker. The Waffen SS came into existence in 1939 and wasn't founded "officially" until 194o!!!
Some poor bastard asked about Rommel... and got THIS!
"It's certainly not my aim to promote my own books, however, my second work titled Honor Denied - The Memoirs of SS Radio Operator Karl Metzger, will give you 9 chapters of personal observations about Rommel. Mr. Metzger served as one of Rommel's radio operators during the French and Low Countries Campaigns in 1940. He speaks highly of Rommel and regarded him as a father-figure. Despite Rommel's disdain for the SS, this abhorrance was primarily reserved by Rommel for its officers and higher-ups. Rommel did not direct this disdain toward the SS enlisted men such as Karl. Metzger relates things in his first 9 chapters such as Rommel's realization that the SS was shooting POWs, Rommel's direct involvement with civilians and POWs (such as removing his hat when speaking to them to appear more as an equal gentleman rather than a military officer) and even humorous anectdotal stories such as Rommel calling Karl "Kartoffelkopf" (Potato Head). What I learned from working with Mr. Metzger was that Rommel was more of a German patriot rather than a Nazi."
There's only ONE problem - "Honor Denied" and "Karl von Metzger" is JUST as faked and TOTALLY lacking in ANY form of corroboration as "Directive 19"!!!
"I am directly related to a World War II German officer who was convicted of war crimes. Not exactly the kind of thing one discusses at parties!"
Have you actually TOLD anyone else in your family this, Paul???
BUT THIS IS THE REAL PAYDIRT...and "dirt" is the operative word...
Some highlights....or rather lowlights....
"The Totenkopfverbande (of which two of my uncles served in) was the Concentration Camp Administration System"
"The Youth Corps (of which my father was a member) was organized and run by Baulder von Schirach"
oh LOOK...It's the YOUTH CORPS again!!!
"I spent 6 years working with my uncle to publish his memoirs in 2006. He was a Major in the SS Totenkopfverbande and served 30 years for war crimes. From 6 years of interviews with him and from talking to other family members who served in the SS, I was surprised to hear them discount the entire "cult" and "blind obedience" theories."
Well...APART from that last bit of tacky Revisionism...
"What must be taken into account first is that neither Hitler nor the Germans were the inventors of Anti-Semitism. Anti-Semitism had been rampant throughout the whole of Europe since the 11th century when its first lethal instance took place during the First Crusade. Genocide was on Hitler's mind before the Nazi Party came to power (as evidenced in his book Mein Kampf) but Hitler didn't have to do too much to convince the people of it."
"From speaking with my relatives it's an interesting case to argue that what happened in Germany under Hitler's leadership was not cult-like worship or blind obedience, but rather the normalization of bad beliefs and negative behaviors."
WOOHOO! There it is again!!!
"...was already a strong current of Anti-Semitism in Europe when Hitler came to power. Germans were not exclusive to Anti-Semitic behaviors and beliefs. It was common throughout the continent. Germany acted upon it. The normalization of bad beliefs and negative behaviors started simple in basic civil discriminations and then became official policy through the Nuremberg Laws. Jews were excluded from certain professions and forced to emigrate. Interestingly and what often gets overlooked, is that Hitler stated that his management of the Jews came from what he learned about how the Americans treated its Indians. Not to mention the anti-Jewish Nuremberg Laws were almost verbatim adaptations of the American Jim Crowe Laws. So what happened there was Hitler's leadership was actually fostered by encouraging a cause that was already prevalent in most Europeans."
"Another thing to keep in mind is that many of the high ranking SS officers held PhDs and were extremely intelligent people. To compare the Reich's plans to the modern day, one might say that for 1933 - 1945, the Reich and its policies were "politically correct"
for its day"
Fuck me, there's more revision in here than in a teenager's bedroom before exams!!!
In the Halls of Academe...
From Victor Greto's article -
"After leaving the military, Harker completed an undergraduate degree in medieval history at Penn State."
From "Chance's" biog on AHF -
"and hold a degree in Medieval Military History."
Hmm...I wonder where else???
Ah yes, I nearly forgot...
MA in History. BA in Psychology."
LOL he couldn't resist harking (geddit???) back to his Medievalonline days!!! MA in, Dr. Paul K. Harker Phd???
MY first stop was the Alumnus' Association of Penn. State...
...who were able to tell me there is NO record of ANY qualification in ANY subject EVER being awarded by Penn. State to Paul Kenneth Harker!!!
Nor is there ANY record of a degree-level qualification being awarded by ANY college or university in the United States.