O Jesus...
"I'd like to know if Irwin Rommel was a follower of nazism. from the limited information I gathered it apperars as though while he was in the nazi party he was'nt one for their ideolgy. Ive read that he was known as an honorable man never mistreating P.O.Ws standing up to Hitlers genocide order and even paying french laboreres for building costal defenses. Im hoping to write a small thesis paper on this subject and if anyone could answer me or refer me to books or articles, or both I'd be obliged."
Enter the sockpuppets begging to be told about his books! Because what did the majority of his "answer" deal with???
" It's certainly not my aim to promote my own books, however, my second work titled Honor Denied - The Memoirs of SS Radio Operator Karl Metzger, will give you 9 chapters of personal observations about Rommel. Mr. Metzger served as one of Rommel's radio operators during the French and Low Countries Campaigns in 1940. He speaks highly of Rommel and regarded him as a father-figure. Despite Rommel's disdain for the SS, this abhorrance was primarily reserved by Rommel for its officers and higher-ups. Rommel did not direct this disdain toward the SS enlisted men such as Karl. Metzger relates things in his first 9 chapters such as Rommel's realization that the SS was shooting POWs, Rommel's direct involvement with civilians and POWs (such as removing his hat when speaking to them to appear more as an equal gentleman rather than a military officer) and even humorous anectdotal stories such as Rommel calling Karl "Kartoffelkopf" (Potato Head). "
You can't escape that fatal fascination for Erwin Rommel, can you mate?
BUT THEN....there was the last line. A "rare" use of the word "Nazi" from Paul...
"What I learned from working with Mr. Metzger was that Rommel was more of a German patriot rather than a Nazi."
But what if "Mr. Metzger" is as big a fraud as Rolf Otto Schiller???
But let's not let Harker off the Rommel hook quite yet...
"QUESTION: Hi Paul, Can you tell me if Erwin Rommel Sr. had any sisters. On my mother's side of the family, my great-great grandmother's maiden name was Louisa (Louise) Rommel. Her husband's last name was Yost. I think his first name might have been George or Henry. Their daughter Elsie was my great grandmother. According to my grandmother, we are related to the Desert Fox. Since his sister's name was Helene, maybe his father and my great-great grandmother might have been brother and sister. Grandma told me that they were our cousins. My great grandmother Elsie was born in Hoboken, New Jersey in 1894. She and her family moved back to Germany in 1896, and then her mother moved them back to the United States for good when her father died, somewhere around 1907. My mother also says that someone in the family has a picture of Erwin Jr. and Elsie, that was taken in Germany when they were young. I have never seen it, and can't prove it exists, but maybe you can help me find out if there is a family connection. Thanks, Adam"
How amazing!!! Someone claiming Rommel as a family connection - AND HARKER ANSWERING IT!!! Now wasn't THAT such a bleedin' suprise!!!
But what WAS his answer???
"This is a very interesting question as it follows one I have been recently asked about a potential relative of Rommel on the east coast of the USA. The man who asked me the question said he had a college professor in Pennsylvania who claimed to be related to Erwin Rommel. As a historian, I personally find your reference to Hoboken, NJ of interest as it strengthens the possibilities for a geographic region. The answer to your question is yes, Rommel (the Desert Fox) had one sister named Helene, and two brothers named Karl and Gerhard. Rommel Sr. (Th Desert Fox's father) had 2 brothers, Georg and Johanne and 1 sister named Gerta. Unfortunately, that is all the information I have. I have not been able to trace the geneaology of the siblings. However, my second published book was the memoirs of Karl Metzger who served as Rommel's radio operator during the Low Countries and French campaign of 1940. He was well acquainted with Rommel on a personal level. I telephoned Mr. Metzger in regard to your question and sadly he was not able to provide any light on Rommel Sr.'s family. I would guess there is a distinct possibility of Rommel's relatives being on the east coast of the USA but would naturally urge you to try to get ahold of the photograph you mentioned. I'd be happy to perform a geneaology search of your relatives if you can provide known names (first and surnames), birth and death dates. Very Sincerely,Paul K. Harker"
But BEST of all is THIS...
Subject: irwin rommel family
i had a Behavioral Science prof in l966-67 at Drexel Univ. in Phila. He definately was related to the Desert Fox, but I can't remember how. He was probably in his 30's or 40's at the time - had young kids, I remember. Would you know? He even looked so much like Irwin.
Paul's answer?
Hello Maron, Erwin Rommel had 2 brothers, Karl and Gerhard, and 1 sister named Helene. Rommel and his wife had 1 son named Manfred. There's speculation that Rommel may have had an affair while at officer cadet school and that this relationship produced a daughter named Gertrud. These are the only known siblings and children though I assume it's possible that a son of Karl, Gerhard or Helene could very well have ended up as a teacher at Drexel. Deductively, if the teacher's last name wasn't Rommel it's an educated guess that he was the son or nephew of Helene thus removed by surname through marriage. I hope this helps narrow it down for you. Very interesting question and please post a follow-up if I can be of further assistance. Very Sincerely,Paul K. Harker "
AllExperts doesn't provide any channel for direct communication...
Take a look at the Q & A for yourself. What do you see???
"Hello Maron"
...which is bloody fucking weird - FOR "MARON" DIDN'T GIVE HIS NAME!!!
1 comment:
I just ran across your blog and would like to say this:
While doing family research, I wrote to All Experts over two years ago looking for answers about a claim of kinship on my mother's side to the Desert Fox. Well, it was answered by none other than Paul K. Harker. That's right.... The letter you have here from "Adam"...is real.... I know because I wrote it. My name is Adam, If you think I'm a damned sockpuppet, go right ahead, but you're wrong on that one. I'm very real and alive, and can prove it! Also, I did have a great great grandmother from Germany named Louisa Rommel, who had a daughter named Elsie, and can prove THAT too. Anyhow, I exchanged emails with Mr. Harker, who always promptly answered each one. Not knowing anything about him, I thought he was legitimate. He even did a "genaeology search" and the names he provided as Louisa's parents and grandparents are likely fake. I should have been suspicious right off the bat, but wasn't. I finally was when he answered my question about the shoe factory.... Yes, my grandmother Betty Louise Netchey, who was Elsie's daughter and Louisa's granddaughter, really did have an aunt Harriet(another daughter of Louisa), who told my uncle a story about a shoe factory in Germany that supposedly belonged to relatives over there.
I then started asking for proof, to which he reponded: I'm "waiting for documents to arrive from Germany". I'll be in touch real soon. That was the last I ever heard from him. When I went back to All Experts, you guessed it.... He was gone! So I tried to check into the Jost-Schoen Schusterwerks and found nothing except what he'd written to me. Well, you can bet I felt like a fool afterward.
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